I bring an asymmetrical map in the skybox, Shattered. A former Forerunner mining installation, now is deserted, barely within the pulse range of Installation 06, was completely untouched due to its desolate location. Weapons on map: 1x Spartan Laser (180 seconds) 4x Plasma Grenades* 1x Power Drain (180 seconds) 2x Covenant Carbine (2 clips, 10 seconds) 1x Spiker* (Symmetric only) 1x SMG* (Asymmetric only) 1x Plasma Rifle* 1x Overshield (180 seconds) 1x Brute Shot (2 clips, 60 seconds) 1x Mauler (90 seconds, 0 clips) 4x Battle Rifle (10 seconds, 2 clips) *Information unaccessible at this time, I am not posting from nearby my Xbox. 1x Transport Hornet (180 seconds) Good for: FFA game types, asymmetrical game types, but is set up for all game types. Notice: Map cannot be broken, all areas accessible. Download
Well its looks ok, although i think that the map is WAY too small. I think you should add more stuff along with taking off that hornet. If its an FFA game you really shouldnt add a hornet as it may be overpowering...
Yeah, for such a small map I wouldn't put a Hornet, even if it's a transport. Someone could just hover around the perimeter of the skybubble and never die. If you're really set on having a Hornet on the map, what you should do is enclose the entire map in some sort of dome, if you have the budget/objects left. But anyways, it looks like a good FFA map, without the Hornet :].
Both replies have been on the Hornet. Really, there's a laser, a Power Drain, and stickies, it's hardly difficult to kill. The size? Does it look like it's meant for 8-on-8? Only 4-on-4 is really in order, and that's how the logic goes. Please keep the posts on the topic of the map, not the Hornet.
good map, the structure is a bit small but i like how there is an undergrouund section along with the upper decks and walk-ways. again the hornet would overpower the map. did you just add it to say that u put one on your map, maps like these can easily lose a dl with a simple insertion of a wrong vehicle if one on the map. i don't think the map needs a vehicle at all.
You shouldn't be so defensive, if it is for 4 v 4, then why are there ANY vehicles, especially in the skybubble. Besides, if someones smart, they pick up the Spartan lazor and never stop moving. They get in the hornet and fly around in the circumference of the skybubble. The lazor will never spawn because people have to sit competely still for 2 seconds for the timer to start. Make it drop spawn if you REALLY want your precious hornet to stay. Overall, good design. Not much else to say.
The Hornet may be removed in version 2, but it will call for a change in equipment and a possible removal of the Spartan Laser. Overall, how good is the map?
I actually like the Hornet idea... if you are playing with honest players that aren't just goint to fly away to the edge of the map, it could be quite fun. And you have a laser so it shouldn't be too hard to take down. People forget how awesome Acension was.
They are talking about the map, And there puutting it nicer than i would have told you. If you don't like constructive critiscm than don't post here.
the hornet is part of the map smart one.. theyre trying to give you helpful critisism...btw the hornet is not the problem because you can easily kill it. the map is far to small for even 4v4 it seems. however it is an original layout and if you expanded it itd be good. for cons: there is absoulutely no merging AT ALL except for the two walls underneath the hornet...this is not a problem on sandbox but merging adds to smoothness aesthetics gameplay the overall feel of the map and its attractiveness.
thats spam go look at forum's to learn how to post ya id get rid of the hornet, and change splazer to rockets.
On the topic of the actual map, not the hornet, nor the team size, this map looks pretty fun for a small FFA, Duel style 1v1 or doubles 2v2, but 4v4, maybe not so much. If you make a v.2 and remove the Hornet, I'll DL.
all things aside, this is a really good 2v2 map. i know you said it was meant for 4v4, but when i played a 3v3 match on it the spawns started to get really bad. if you DO want to make it 4v4 in the v2 (if you make one) i would suggest adding a few safe spawn zones or drop down areas shielded from the hornet; that way, the hornet cant patroll the spawn areas and get rediculous kill amounts. other than the spawn issues this map has pretty good gameplay. im free for the rest of the week, so send me a pm if you want help with the v2
Well, aside from the merging thing. (Which really I don't think is a big deal but might help make the map look better) The layout of the map is really good. I'm gonna download it and try it once my brother gives my Xbox back. However, the weapon list is (sorry if this is harsh) stupid. To many Battle rifles for such a small map, especially with two carbines. Dual wielding weapons like SMGs, Spiker, Plasma Rifle should have 2 instead of 1. 4 Plasma grenades without any frags is overpowered. Lastly, I don't really care that you don't want people saying this, sorry but the Hornet and Sparten Laser are WAY to overpowered for a map this size. Plus a Hornet (or banshee) is a bad choice for the sky dome. Because of the HUGE space people can just fly away, and if the grab the spartan laser first, then fly away. The other person is ****ed for over 3 minutes while they wait for the next one to spawn. That's the reason you shouldn't have it on the map. So hopefully that helps.