My Legendary and Herioc Maps dnt show up anymore for me unless im connected to xbox live.... can sum1 please help me or give me a idea y this is happening? i can see my mythic maps.
Yeh, that might be the problem. Also have you tried going into forge and going on the maps. Sometimes it will say something like "loading maps" then they are available once they've loaded.
The problem is that the license of the DLC is tied to the XBL account and console. You have to be connected for it to validate that you did and do indeed own them. If it's a big deal to you, you can transfer the license here. Be warned, you can only do it once a year.
I do this every single day, my xbox got RRoD and I play halo on my brothers box. I use my live profile, and re-download all the maps. So it's not once a year?
That's different. On every console except the one you originally downloaded the maps you HAVE TO BE online for them to work. Other wise you can't use them. The Licence is set to the Xbox and the account separately. On the original download Xbox, any gamer tag can use them on- or offline. On any other console, only the Gamertag that originally downloaded the content can use it as well as any Tag that is online at the same time as the original Gamertag.
Actually, if you're online long enough to re-download the maps you can play them if your connection fails. I've done it, but I don't know how relevant this is lol.. I did not know this
I didn't know that. I'd be curious to see if turning the Xbox off and then back on would reset it. But as for the OP, try that site I provided. It should help fix your problem.
Yes, every time you turn the xbox off you have to re-download everything. For some reason it wont save it at all. Which is odd, because my brother also has the maps for his live account on the same console I'm temporarily using.
Mine is working fine, I've never gotten it repaired and I still don't need it. I asked if it should be happening on all switched consoles, because I switched as well(becaause my old one broke down an I never bothered to get it fixed)but the maps works offline.