Fort U.N.S.C. is basically a one sided flag or team slayer map. The defenders spawn outside this roaring three story building over by the default bases on foundry. They have to work they're way into the base to get the flag. There's ways they can do that. From the tunnel at the bottom level, but once you enter the tunnel, there's no going back. You can go in through the stairs on the left side of the base to the middle level but then you have to be open to all kinds of fire, but get through it and you have an almost instant flag grab. Take the grav lift latter and you don't risk much fire on the right side but then you have to work your way through the base. Your choice, I'll continue the description using the pictures. Overview of the map Tunnel to Fort U.N.S.C. Bottom level Stairwells to middle and top levels Middle Level Flag Room Stairwell to Top Level Top Level Overview Overview close-up Gravlift to top level Stairs to the middle level These pictures don't show the whole map nor do give it half the justice it deserves, due to all the rooms made inside the map you can maybe see 1/4 of it. It's been played many times and is great with your favorite one flag CTF game. So if your bored and wanna play some fast paced CTF action give this map a try. Also I've recently been informed by someone here on forgehub it's a good Infection map too. Zombies spawn at the attackers side and humans spawn at the base. Ohh almost forgot a weapons list Weapons Snipers x4 Maulers x4 SMG x3 Shotgun x1 Sword x1 Needler x1 Flame Thrower x1 Turret x1 We ran out of money to continue making weapons so it's best if you start with assault rifles or something along those lines. Download Fort U.N.S.C. Please Leave Feedback. I'm White.
Wholey-moley. It looks like you worked really hard on this map. I like how you sort of channel the Grav-lifts to get to the top floor.
Thanks, and to answer your question the attackers have the normal bases bungie made blocked off by the double boxes and the whole bottom part we didn't want to give them too much of a base to beable to over power the defenders quickly. I'll add a weapons list too.
Dude this is awesome. Great map. I downloaded and everyone else should too it makes a great one flag CTF map just like he says.
Great Map! Looks like it took a long time! I will download once my queue is cleared up. Just wondering and I now someone else will ask this, why 4 snipers? How many does each team have? What are the respawn times on them? How many extra clips?
There's 2 for each team, the reason is for looks, and to take out the turret and make it balanced. 60 respawn and 2 extra clips.
flamethrowers+MLG=none existent and this looks to one sided fr a MLG map other then that great map by the looks of it
Yes about the mancannon and I didn't like how squirly it was being shot up there, the grav lifts are alot smoother, and sorry I'll change the title but thanks for the information.
After reading your description, I have one question. When you say you can take the tunnel to the base, but once you enter it, there's no turning back. Are you just saying this just to add effect to the map? or is there a timed map event that prevents you from exiting the tunnel once you entered it?
looks pretty cool just the fence walls around the roof are a little lopsided other than that it looks awsome
He made them like that so you can crouch jump onto some of them and not on some of the others. Adds a certain element to it.
Looks like a good map for CTF, but IMO this could be turned into a good infection map. Good job on this one, you should make a good slayer map and post it.
Thanks and we also played infection on it once and it was actually kind of fun, I think I'll add it to the description = ).
STOP BUMPING THIS THREAD, Ownage you are already warned and if you do not stop bumping this then you will most likely get banned, replying once or twice on your own thread is fine but you are purposely bumping this and I think it should be locked, I'm only writing this because the thread is already at the top and I hope that nobody replies to this thread again....