bnasty574 (Be-nasty-5-7-4) not banasty-5-7-4 not be-nasty-57-4 not be-nasty-574 its be-nasty-5-7-4 b is for brian btw
I know what this thread needs... [youtube][/youtube] btw I've gotten wow...
"courdrureyCHUCK <-lol "cordyCHUCK" <-lazy "co-c-cord...CHUCK" <-illiterate "Hey CHUCK norris! hahah!" <- i hate these kids
My name is pretty hard to mess up, but I've had some stupid people call me Super Topper... I mean... learn how to read... some people are so stupid. Also get Storm Trooper a lot. Retards.
Oh my gosh, I get so annoyed with this... My XBL Gamertag is xV Revenant, so I get all kinds of mispronunciations: Raven Reevant Reevanant Relevant(most common) and once I got Reed... Honestly the majority of Xbox live, seems unable to read.
My gamertag is Requisite, and everyone seems to have trouble with that, saying things like: Request Reqeest Riquseet And such.
hence why tons of X's make it a whole lot harder to read your name again with the X's My real name is "Remy" and i get the Reeemee all the time..I feel your pain. This post makes me miss being able to see everyone's gamertags on the side of their posts. And as far as my name on XBL? I get El Captain (understandable, and I don't mind) El Capiteen (at least try) Captain guy (whatever) Luckily, I got my name before the 360 when tons of new accounts and free silvers took names left and it aint too bad.
Swish, Swash, Swush and any variation of any. I've also been referred to the nike guy or the basketball player a lot. (I don't play basketball and i wear pumas but whatever)
My friend 'Phoere', the lurker, is constantly called '*****'. Very funny. Also, he's been called Phoenix, Pour, Fairy, and Foeree. Good thing it's not me.
I've got a couple... 1.Grumpy 2.Gumpy 3.Grumbly 4.Gunky 5.Gumboy 6.Chicken Liver Everyone that reads/says my name wrong needs to go back to school and take some reading classes.And #6 was a fake one...
Lets see. My GT is Juggernaut448. I've been called: Jugs Juggs Jugga-naut Guggernaut Mr. Man Jaggernat and from what I can remember I've also been called ***. Which doesn't even sound close to my Gamertag.