Sandbox War on Iraq

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ImWithStupid, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    "The game where barricades are actually useful."
    Overview 1
    Overview 2
    Gametype: CLICK NAO

    This is a game of infection. With guns. Done right. Oh, and did I mention it's also a hell of a lot of fun?

    The Army
    If you spawn as a human you are "The Army". You're going to be up against a lot of enemies, so you've got to be prepared.

    That's why you've got overshields. You have enough to take a lot of bullets before you fall, but they don't regenerate, so be careful! You've also been supplied with a variety of guns, because what's an army without guns?

    Battle Rifle: This is the weapon of choice for most soldiers. Great for picking off Terrorists from a distance. You also spawn with it.

    Shotgun: Obviously a great close-quarters weapon. One shot up close and they'll drop.

    Assault Rifle: A strong weapon great for pinning down enemy forces. It's accurate and kills quick. It can also hold the most ammo out of any of the weapons.

    Sniper Rifle: Any soldier's long range weapon of choice. One headshot=One kill. The only way to get one is from the sniper room (pictured above.) or dropped from a Terrorist.

    SMG: Another weapon good for pinning down enemy forces. It's best used at a closer range, though. Dual wield for maximum firepower. You also spawn with it.

    Magnum: A great sidearm, especially when dual wielded. Great if your BR runs out, or if your primary weapon is close-ranged.

    Brute Shot (Grenade Launcher)
    : This is kind of a tricky weapon to use. You'll probably only get 2 or 3 kills using it solo, but shooting an enemy 1-2 times with it, and letting a teammate finish them off with a headshot is the most efficient.

    Frag Grenades: Use these to hit enemies around corners, in buildings, or behind cover. Takes down most, if not all of their health.

    Trip Mines: Brave soldiers will run up and place these in enemy territory for some easy kills. Can also be used to block the entrance to a building.

    You'll spawn in one of three places. The armory, the side-arms table, and, rarely, the sniper room.

    You'll spawn here...


    or here...

    After a very short 10 seconds, the Terrorists will be let out, so you'll want to move up and take position beforehand. Taking position behind a barricade or fallen column is a good choice, although there are other choices too, such as balconies and buildings.


    The "Sniper Room". One of the many buildings you can take cover in.

    This warthog turret is great for either side to control. The army will want to take advantage of their 10 second head-start to gain early control.

    Some soldiers taking advantage of their balcony. A great sniping spot.

    Stop the Terrorists from advancing and eliminating the army for 8 minutes to win!



    If you are infected, you are a "Terrorist". You spawn in a weapon filled hallway with a blocked teleporter at the end. After 10 seconds, it will open.

    The terrorist spawn. NOTE:Terrorists do NOT have overshields, if you see any pictures of them with overshields it's because of lag.

    The teleporter can lead you here...




    or here...

    You have only a fraction of the health that the Army has, and your starting weapons (an SMG and a Shotgun) are both close range. So how can you hope to overcome the army? Well, there's a few key differences between you and them that will eventually help you overcome them. For one, you have an unlimited supply of reinforcements. (You'll keep respawning) Coincidentally, every time you kill a member of the Army, another member is added to your team.

    Another advantage you have over the Army is your weaponry. You have some similar weapons, although others are unique.

    Shotgun: Your shotgun is your main weapon for eliminating soldiers. It will take down a big chunk out of their shields up close, and after 3 or 4 shots, they will fall. You also start with it.

    SMG: Great for suppressing your enemies, and another good damage dealer up close. It has more range on it than the shotgun, so you'll be using this one a lot. Dual wield for better results.

    Magnum: Your only mid-range weapon. You'll be using this one lots. It may not take down their shields fast, but it will still scare them into cover, or distract them from an approaching teammate.
    Dual Maulers (Sawn off shotguns): These are a soldier's worst fear. If you can get close enough with them, you can usually kill someone. If not, a huge chunk of their shields will be gone.
    Sniper Rifle: Obviously, your long range weapon. Stand up high on a balcony for best results. You'll get many kills this way.
    Rocket Launcher: This, if aimed right, usually means death. Watch out when carrying this, everyone will target you. (You might think this would be overpowered, but it's actually not.)

    Flamebomb: Nail a soldier with this to blind and severely damage them.

    Frag Grenade: You have a big pile of these located in your base, use them to clear out buildings and bomb the other side.

    A third advantage is a turret located in your base. The advantages to this are obvious. Pin down your enemies!

    Your fourth and final advantage comes after you have killed a few soldiers, your numbers. 50% of the players start as Terrorists, so as soon as one Soldier is killed, you have 2 more team members than the Army.

    Eliminate all soldiers to win!

    Last Man Standing
    The last man standing becomes a Special Forces Soldier. His color turns black, he runs faster, and does more damage. But in the end, he'll still be overcome by the Terrorists.



    -Use cover!
    -Do not get too close to the terrorists, you'll regret it.
    -Move up at the start, so you have room to retreat.
    -Try your best to stay out of buildings, they're easily naded.
    -Take control of that warthog turret!
    -Use cover!
    -If no one spawns in the sniper room, rush it at the start. It's better in your hands than theirs.
    -Run back for grenades when you run out.
    -Use cover!
    -Stick together and focus your fire on one enemy at a time.
    -Take out rocket/sniper/mauler wielding enemies ASAP.
    -Oh, I almost forgot...Use cover!


    -When using an SMG, burst fire!
    -Don't be afraid to get up close to the soldiers...
    -But at the same time, try to preserve your life, it will take about 10 seconds to get back into the battle. (5 sec respawn + time to walk to teleporter.)
    -Use grenades to your advantage, spam them in the armory.
    -Take advantage of special weaponry (Rockets/Sniper/Maulers/Flamebombs) to turn the battle in your favour.
    -Use the turret in your base combined with the warthog turret to dominate the soldiers.
    -Use cover! (Not as important as when you're a soldier.)

    Well, if you read my whole post, then thank-you. I know I went a little overboard, but I wanted to give as much information as possible.

    Thanks to everyone who helped test!
    A special thanks to Somethingggg for giving me constructive criticism and testing the map.

    Please rate and comment.

    Have fun!

    Incase you missed it at the top...

    Gametype: CLICK NAO

    Once again, thanks for reading! Now start downloading!

    #1 ImWithStupid, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  2. AeroDynamic

    AeroDynamic Ancient
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    I'm surprised there haven't been any comments yet. This looks like really good fun. I'll download, hopefully get to try it out tomorrow. I really think I'm going to enjoy playing this. Awesome work. I'll comment back after playing.
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hmmm... Fro mthe looks of it the map looks pretty well thought out and well put together. Gameplay looks like it could be fun on the map looks like you need some teamwork to win.
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Wow, the idea, of course, is perfectly original, yet still not original. But it looks wicked fun! And the map looks very well balanced, especially the weapons, but I disagree with having both Maulers and Incendiary Bombs. Also, the gametype has great statistics, and the balance between players seems perfect.

    Oh, and you forgot the Flamethrower for the Army. As a counter for the RPG.
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    You were doing something earlier to this map when something was in your party. I joined but you ended the game. I looked it over in theater later on and was very suprised. The map looked really good. I couldn't play it or save it since we were in forge but I saw the crashed warthog and the various rooms. It looks balanced and fun, I will download and enjoy for sure!

    EDIT: I played this with you and had to leave on the 5th round to go to the beach. But it plays very well good job.
    #5 Gollygeeanelite, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  6. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    It looks really good I will have to check it out but picture 3/3 in terrorist spawn is the same as the first.
  7. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    @AeroDynamic: Aha, I'm sure you will have lots of fun with it. If you (or anyone else, for that matter.) is ever short on players, I'm always up for a game.

    @JumpMan: Correction, you need lots of teamwork to win, which is exactly what I was aiming for.

    @Skittlemiester: Explain to me how exactly a flamethrower counters an RPG (Rocket Launcher)? :S

    @GollyGeeAnElite: Yeah, I had changed the spawn time on the man cannon from 10 to 30, but it didn't work out so well so I had to change it back. We did play it again shortly after, though. You must've left then.

    @Dak393: I don't see any pictures that are the same... =S

    Thanks everyone for your positive comments! =D
  8. Grif2200

    Grif2200 Ancient
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    I can understand it derives it's title from events during the 1st gulf war, but 'War on Iraq' seems a little harsh. I have a friend from Iraq and this would be considered offensive. Maybe change the name?
    But apart from that it looks like an interesting map and concept, I will download and give more comments
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    This is a very well done map! You've made some very sound choices in creating a tactical war map! The terrorist's powerful short range weapons, the turret, and the spawn system all help to keep the humans from simply plowing into the other side, giving you a great standoff-ish feel. The placement of the opening sniper is also good; The humans are the ones to get it, but it usually comes at the cost of a chunk of health. The placement of the warthog turret in the middle adds further to the struggle for map control, that turret can really dish out suppressive fire.

    There are a couple trouble spots, though. For one, the weapon spawns in the terrorist's tunnel overlapped in several spots, making picking up weapons frustrating. There's also a few gaps in the walls of the street. You should interlock the walls to make it smooth and gapless. I also find that when it comes down to the last man, it becomes a matter of flushing him out of the ammo room. I recall a slit wall is on one side of the room - I'd suggest removing it to make it harder to camp in there.

    Overall, a great map which I'm gonna keep in my custom games rotation. 8.5/10

    EDIT: I forgot to mention - GREAT job on the map post! There's a picture that repeats itself, though.
  10. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    @ Grif2200 I meant to add in my post that I was sorry if the setting or anything offended anyone. And I truely am sorry if it offended you or your friend, but it is a great game.

    @ Something. Thanks for finally posting. As far as i know, i have fixed the weapon placements (I updated shortly after posting.) The only time weapons overlap is when someone switches off only one SMG for a mauler or something like that, leaving an SMG lying on the floor. You'll have to show me the gaps in the walls of the street so I can fix them. And I personally think the slit wall makes it harder for the last man in the ammo room. People can throw grenades through it and snipe through it. Recently as last man, I have started staying out in the streets behind cover as usual, and find that i last the same, or a longer time. It's also more exciting.

    Thanks yet again for your positive comments, guys!

    EDIT: Wow, I finally noticed the repeating picture after like the 2nd or 3rd search for it. I have to change that :p.
    #10 ImWithStupid, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  11. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Also, when accessing your fileshare in-game, I can't find the gametype.
  12. jeffyrcool

    jeffyrcool Ancient
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    looks like a fun game. the forging looks nice and clean. will try to download later, overall 8/10
  13. A RedBull Can

    A RedBull Can Ancient
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    I just gave this map a try and it seems to play very well. I really enjoy the duck and cover system that you have with the barriers. I give the forging a 5/5 and the game play a 4/5. Great Job
  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow. A great addictive infection game. I'd have to say that none of it is logical (the battlefield, the MJOLNIR armour, and the infection system), but who cares! How long does a round typically last, and what is the recommended number of players?
  15. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    I really love this game. I have always searched for a way to make a tactical game on Halo, which trust me is really hard, and you finally did it. I love the whole oversheild idea and it not recharging, making your main goal to stay out of the sight of enemy terrorists which makes cover the best option. Teamwork is key also because when you are hiding behind cover, you need someone else to be putting up a fight so that the terrorists don't progress up to your cover spot. This game is very evenly matched but one thing I will complain about is that the round time is like impossible to survive. I would suggest that you put it at 6 minutes. Other than that I love it and hope to see more of this kind of game.
  16. Armeddragon77

    Armeddragon77 Ancient
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    You should attempt to make a larger version with vehicles, because The US army has the highest vehicle to human ratio in the world, makes sense.
  17. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    looks like a nice map but you should probably make the walls higher because it looks like if you jump on one of those columns you could just grenade jump out. but other than that it looks good . reminds be of battle creek for some reason! 8/10
  18. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    @Benzu13 I know you didn't mean it as a bad thing, but honestly, what in Halo 3 is logical/realistic? =P The recommended players is in the post, 6 or more. Rounds typically only last 4 to 5 minutes, but I have yet to get a game in where everyone understands the concept. DO NOT run up and try to spawnkill the terrorists, guys, you'll end up dead.

    @ArmedDragon77 The original version had a tank, and it didn't work out well. At all. Thanks for the suggestion nonetheless, I may give it another shot some other time.

    @12inchwinner If you use the proper gametype (Which has 150% gravity) The map shouldn't be escapable.

    By the way, guys. My xbox got the E74 error and is being sent in. So I won't have it back for 1-3 weeks.
    #18 ImWithStupid, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  19. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    I noticed this map falling behind and wanted to bump it up because this map is so cool. I love playing it and show it to people everytime I get party leader. This map is awesome.
  20. Tobinho

    Tobinho Ancient
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    :) Really liked the idea with the balcony and the firefight in the middle;D Ill download, looks like fun as hell

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