How about this idea... Firefight

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by datmorganman92, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. datmorganman92

    datmorganman92 Ancient
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    As most of us, if not all of us, know that "Firefight" is coming with ODST and for me is very exciting... i love horde in gears 2 and for Halo to improve on that idea is grand, yet i was wondering whether 4 ppl versus alot of covenant is good, or, could we add more?
    Imagine 8 ppl versus an army of covenant, now that in my opinion is sick!
    real strategy and planning, ammo conservation, and hectic action
    please, your thoughts??
  2. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    i think 4 people is enough. Doesn't **** Zombies cap at 4? anyway if you add too many people youre lookin at lag issues.
  3. datmorganman92

    datmorganman92 Ancient
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    yeah i do understand that, but multiplayer plays fine in big team
    honestly though you are correct bc we dont know how much action is goin to be happening
    i hope it's ALOT
  4. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    It would be nice to have the choice, and you would get that greater feeling of a surviving team together with all the different personalities, but most of the time I could never get that many people together, and guaranteed one person would be an ass and ruin it all. *gasp* run on sentence ftw
  5. datmorganman92

    datmorganman92 Ancient
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    there are always those asses :p
    but im all excited for it
    and i hope they bring back elites as epic honor gaurds
  6. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    For me, game types such as COD:WaW zombies, Horde, and Firefight should have a player cap of 6. In the higher levels where more and more enemies spawn, it gets laggy. Especially with explosions, grenade blasts, six people firing machine guns, etc. and then you have to think about the phantoms in Firefight.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    But in horde, you'll be fighting againts more enemies, multiplayer the max amount of people is 16. More people=more enemies to fight=more lag. Ever gone to marine island in campaign online? Lag is LAAAAAAGY.
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Bungie is going off the main focus Gears of War 2's Horde mode gives... So no, in the eyes of Bungie 8 players would be 4 players too many. Besides, why should Bungie make their Firefight mode occupy more players than Horde or **** Zombies? I'm also pretty sure Bungie is going to think of a reason to drop of 4 players in the middle of a firefight between an infinite amount of enemies. I'm pretty sure Bungie wouldn't just make the game mode and not give it a backstory like what was done with Horde mode. Maybe they will increase the player cap, maybe they won't. But all in all, I hope they don't... I love **** Zombies and Horde mode, and couldn't imagine them with 8 players. Most of the time, hectic isn't a good thing...
  9. The Nasal Abyss x

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    I love it when people say, "Oh, Matchmaking can handle 16 players, why can't firefight support 8?"

    First of all, that is a dumbass statement.

    Second, sure, There is a lot going on in Big Team, there are a lot of unique packages being sent through cyberspace at an alarming rate, but some of those data packages still get lost, thus creating the "stutter" or "teleport" or "I shot that guy in the head with a sniper but he is still alive," effects.

    But, in Firefight, packages are being sent for at least 50 Unique entities at once. That is almost DOUBLE the amount of packages a regular big team game sends.

    Then, when your throw 4 more players on top of that, the package loss/recieved ratio will quickly and ultimately drop, causing much more frustrating lag.

    It is definately NOT as easy as it sounds to add things like that. Take some programming or netcode classes, YOU WILL **** YOURSELF WHEN YOU LEARN HOW MUCH WORK IT TAKES.
  10. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    nah, it wouldn't work at all, on the tech side, or the fun side

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