Okay guys im looking for a good team of 4 for the 4 on 4, 7 on the 7th. Intermediate players really, not like supa mlg but a good player Send me an fr for some matchmaking games to see how you play, GT is B3NW Thanks
Hey, you've already got me on Xbox Live. But, if I get a chance I'll play some games with you. But bungie day is also my birthday so I'm not sure how much time I will have.
Your ranked K/D Spread is .89......Enough said. You shouldn't look for Intermediate players if you're not one yourself, it seems like you just want to get carried to Recon. This is the whole point of the playlist...you are rewarded for being a good player, not getting carried.
I get what you're saying, but I'm tired of people seeing K/D spread as a way to judge people's skill. Overall K/D spread means little. For example, objective gametypes, it doesn't matter how good your K/D spread is in those games if you just forget about the flag so you can get more kills. There's plenty of other possibilities as well. Personally I have about a .9 ranked K/D ratio myself and I consider myself an intermediate player. It's only due to the fact that I used to play ranked when I wasn't as good of a player, and only just started playing ranked again recently and haven't brought it up yet. Plus, I can't even count the amount of times I've been paired up with teamates that betray me, quit (every single game where we're losing), or can hardly even play Halo. In those games, when your team is getting absolutely crushed and spawn camped (especially in Squad Battle with all the vehicles), it's kind of hard to keep a decent K/D. So please, just don't judge people solely on there overall K/D.
ooo i wna find ppl i havent had a mike for a while so i havent been able to get together a good party check me out: datmorganman92 and it's shared with my brother im gna start a new account ! W00t