Rumor has it that Longshore will be a remake of Halo 2's "Headlong" If it is, I will go to Washington and give Bungie a hug!: "Sketch, can you get this kid off me?....."-Shishka "Quick Shish, do a barrel roll !!!" -Stosh =P The only thing that I know about Longshore is that the theme is Old Mombasa and I believe that it said something about it being the docks. I could see that as Headlong because Headlong was a city and was located on the shores.
Okay, W/E, i have a pic of last resort in the Pictures section, that will suffice. No discussion spoiler for that post tho kthx 4 post and thank you for your post mikelp, put in discussion spoiler.
Also, everyone saying "Bungie's remakes suck and have butchered the old maps" This is the reason to why they arent making another Blood Gulch. People will think that it destroyed these canyon maps because weapons like the laser and missile pod wouldnt work on the map because they destroy everything in sight, Coag is a wide open map and weapons like that would ruin it... or atleast they think that. Thats why Valhalla was made as a slight remake. Also the remakes: Last Resort, Avalanche, Blackout are all completely different maps. They are considered remakes for the fact that they are similar in gameplay (not exactly the same) People make a huge deal about how Blackout is bad because it plays bad. I dont really see a difference besides skins and the glass in the center. Other than that, some basic scenery is all that is different. I think that Avalanche is an amazing map. I think that Last Resort is better than Zanzibar and I see almost no difference in Blackout (but I hardly played H2 online, so I may be missing something) I still think that Headlong would be the most amazing remake in H3 because it was much different from other maps- it was medium size, but very tall.
another trip to the discussion spoiler for this post, thx for the comments mikelp, i will be sure to update the "what people want to see" list to full extent. Thanks again for the posts
hmmmm i was hoping it had something to do with multiple islands and vallhalla bases. i like that idea, well, nothing personal, but i hope your wrong.
Well actually, I'm quite hoping for some kind of body of water to work with, could be great for mini games, and casuals. I'm guessing that it will look something like the beach on last resort.
for those who dont know what Headlong is : (I feel your pain.... poor...sweet... noobs.... no wait- I played it. I dont feel your pain!) Heres where I get the shores in "Longshore":
*evil sinckers* I guess I should post something, that way I don't keep getting "plz tell me" in my VMs. Longshore is a brand new (no remake) BTB map, that is styled very similarly to the campaign level "The Storm". So, forge objects will be of Human nature. That's all for now, have fun ripping this little factoid apart trying to figure out everything else about the map. I have more details, but this should keep you all at bay for now. :joker:
I really hope its not a remake of relic... i didnt like that map much. and i doubt itll be a forge map, considering sandbox just came out. im hoping it a semi-small map, but with good cover and no vehicles. limited power weapons, creating an amplitude of mid range BR battles. NO MORE REMAKES IMO.
I really like the idea of the multiple islands I'm also really hoping that there are no more remakes, I don't want to pay for a map I've already played in the previous Halo's. Originallity is what I want to see.
THis is just a guess but maybe its a remake of elongation??? cuz longshore sounds lyk one longggg shore.... IDK
thx all you guys, all of your posts have been updated to the discussion spoiler. and i will upate the list as well. and cheat, i dun want it to be related to the storm, it was a good campaign level, but theres no water. I WANT WATER AND MOAR PICTURES
i would like it so that there was a river running in between two little islands with only a bridge joining them togther, think off all the flag games that would be on that, sexy!
thx for the post jaf, it has been uploaded to the discussion section in the main post, feel free to come back, maybe post some pictures. Thx
You guys know that the video on Youtube about "Multiple Islands" was made to show that it cannot be true. He says it at the end and states that it is NOT Longshore and states that it was designed by a fan, not Bungie. There is a Forum thread with thousands of replies that shows a person with these pictures up of what the thread maker wishes Longshore to be like. Also, that idea wouldnt work. The achievement- "Ghost Patrol" wouldnt work because if there were large bodies of water, you wouldnt be able to take vehicles down there. Bungie would never make a map with vehicles dwelling beneath the water level. (High Ground glitch does not count)
sad faic so its going to be like last resort, except......longer? thadt be kinda cool, but i still like the multiple island idea. thx for the post.
This was posted long before we knew anything about any of the Mythic maps other than assembly, so all evidence points to this being legit. Longshore sounds awesome. And I want to break out of Longshore and make an underwater map like GRU did on Highground (which I further tweaked), this time with immovable objects. Can't wait!
This has been a map that only true Halo fans know about and have wanted this to be remade into H3. It fits the description very well and is very close to that false image of multiple islands. Here it is: Halo PC's Death Island: Its about the same size of the entire campaign mission: "The Silent Cartographer" and if I remember correctly, you can even enter the structures and dwell in the pathways beneath the island.