Whatsintheseven Made by: JR Eramthyn & Tympanicmetal Description: In the beginning, this map planned to be a huge solid seven, but we thought it woudn't be very interesting for people to play on it, since it woudn't actually be ''playable'' So after that conclusion, we thought of making it hollow and an amzing eye candy. Oh and also for you people to know, this map is made for: BUNGIE DAY 09! The map is mainly build for the gametype: One Flag. In this way, we made the Defenders flag spawn at the bottom, and the attackers all the way up top. Video: YouTube - Halo 3 :: Map: Whatsintheseven :: TM/JR :: Forgehub Gametype: :::Gametype description erased due *the rules*::: :::Gametype link will be uploaded soon. ::: Pictures (TympanicMetal): Pictures (JR Eramthyn): Last Words We hope you people like the map and get to play it on BUNGIE DAY. And for the last time: YES I BALANCED THE MAP SO EVERY1 HAS THEIR ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES NO MATTER IF YOU SPAWN ON TOP OR AT THE BOTTOM!!! Download: Whatsintheseven Map makers (credits go to - JR Eramthyn - TympanicMetal
Originallity... that's all I have to say haha. This is badasssss. I don't know how gameplay would be but I mean this is the most original idea since Distortion. I'm definitely DL'ing and I'll get back to you with a review. OMGZ it's a SEVEN! hahaha
I really think like someone else said that it IS very original. I like the format of the 7 itself and i think it would play well. Also i think your post was very nice and neat. -Irish
Okay first off I don't usually post on here, but you made the map for me to have to post on here! This has to be the most original map I've ever seen!! I'm going to download and look around and try to get a game on this map. Congratz for the most original map! 5/5 for what's here! Only concern I have is size. But can't tell from pictures. KEEP FORGING!
I completely agree with everyone else. This is awesome and I never would have thought of this as an idea for a playable map. This is so original and the whole map seems like an aesthetic map with a layout. Great job man, very unique like Distortion. Can't wait to see whatever else you come up with. I'll definitely have to download this. The idea-5/5 The aesthetics-5/5
I agree yes it is very original, but it seems like all the fighting would be vertical. I have only done a forgethrough, so sorry if this is all wrong. Vertical fighting typically isn't great for gameplay, even if it is an asymmetrical gametype. This seems very fun nonetheless, and it is very well made. Very nice aesthetics and structures. I hope it plays well, you should post this in the TG forum and get a test going, this really has potential.
Ha... Total win. This map is awesome... Besides the fact that its totally original, the map looks really great. Nice job.
Alright, I'm DLing just for the sake of seeing a playable seven map. I'm not so sure about having the defenders at the bottom in a flag game, but having the attackers have to take the flag up while under fire probably balances out how fast the would assault the defenders. I just wish my Bungie day seven tribute map on Sandbox was finished. Oh well. I've never seen a map quite like this before.
Never before have I seen a map like this. Normally I would not DL a map since none of my friends play Halo 3 anymore, but I'll make an exception for this map. It looks beautiful and fun to play on.
Wow, right now 9.5/ 10 only because there are some areas where it could be better. Any way, this is very original, I don't know how the game play on this is, but i will download A.S.A.P. I really like how you can really see how much effort went into makeing this. I can see alot of assassinations happening on this map doe to being able to jump down alot. Question: wouldn't people just jump down the sides with the flag to save time. Personally i think that this would be a hard map for the team on top. but that's my opinion. Overall, I really like this map because it is so unique. Great job.
great idea! a hollow object filled with a map. i should try that.. anyways, it looks fun and well forged. gameplay appears smooth and no rails shouldn't be a problem. but maybe spawn killing is? i don't know. good map
Guys, since this map is so win, we should start a petition to get this into Action Sack The Seventh Colony on Whatsintheseven This map oozes originality, but I can't really tell how big the map is. If you can give us a picture with a tower of blocks for a reference, I would download this. Nevermind, it's downloaded! 5/5, bro Keep up with the originality!
Attention to the first 20 downloaders of this map! Please download the map again, because the map has been updated, and so has the download link. Fix: - The anoying mancannon has been replaced by a Grav. lift - One of the half walls has been replaced by a nicer and smoother stone bridge. Thanks for reading!
While the gameplay might be average, this is the coolest map I have seen all week (bar Frailty). At first I thought it was just forge art, then I noticed that you have actually put a lot of effort into making it fully playable! Congratulations, it has worked
you should use this to suck up to bungie...a bungie i have a map thats a huge PLAYABLE SEVEN!!!......i bet youd get recon lol jk but this maps aesthetics and overall look is astounding. the only thing that i owuld change on this map is to make the defenders flag on top so it is harder for the attackers to get edit: i would also like to add- get rid of that huge signature...with a map this good you dont need it...it also take up a lot of money and i would use that to expand the seven and make the map even better. this map seems like itd be great for ninjaing and assassinations but it seems like its too easy to get from the top to the bottom...i would use the extra money to fix this especially if you decide to put the defenders flag up top because then once theyd get it itd be really easy just to fall down unless you fix that by putting many platforms with the extra money you get from deleting the sig
Happy Bungie Day everyone! Questions answerd: - Defenders down/attackers up: Woudn't it also be hard to brung the flag all the way up top again, after you grabed it? - Vertical gameplay: The gameplay isn't always vertical, and the fact that the attackers can just fall down, will get them even faster killed. - Spwan killing?: There's no spawn killing since i put other neutral point around the map within the spawn areas, for attackers or defenders. So no spawn killing
It's really not that original. A gaint map in the shape of a 7 on bungie day you ask? I've thought of this and dismissed it because there is no way it's going to work. If you had posted this in casual I wouldn't have been harsh but the gameplay on this is going to be awful. Distortion was bad enough aiming at 45 degree angles but having to aim more or less vertically and spending most of the time jumping in zig-zags is going to suck. I know you and lots of others don't like me saying this but someone has to. This is not a competitive map. 5/5 for bringing the idea to life 0/5 for the chosen genre
Well looks like a 1v1 map. Though it has a few levels, it doesn't matter because everyone will either rush up or down till they meet each other, meaning most of the fighting will go down in the middle. Might want to recommend no radar, because that would be worthless on this map and a little annoying. I give you credit for originality. However a playable "7th" as opposed to a "7" would have really made this map neat.
This map is in my top 3 most original maps i have seen or played on. The gameplay was quite fun, however i do think the team that starts on the top did have a little advantage just because they could whip grenades down at the opposing team, also they could get to to the other team alot quicker by just jumping down. However all, in all this map is terrrific. 9/10
I seriously do not like the gameplay, do not get me wrong its a cool map with great originality but reading some of the comments it seems as if people are rating this map 5/5 coz it is original. The gameplay was disastrous when me and some friends tried this out sorry, but thats the truth and to others dl before rating.