Forgehub Forum RP

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Minikloon, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [aname=0]Welcome to the Forgehub Forum RP[/aname]

    ~ !The first game is here! ~

    This thread as been created to show mortal peoples how to play the game in the future. The thread will be set in 8 parts:
    [jumpto=1]1- Why did we maked that?[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=2]2- Basic of Forum RP.[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=3]3- Adaptation of D&D to Halo.[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=4]4- Character Creation.[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=5]5- Advanced and new rules.[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=6]6- Noob tools.[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=7]7- Being a GM.[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=8]8- Comments[/jumpto]

    I'm happy to present myself before. My nickname (as shown) is Minikloon, it is my Gamertag on Xbox Live and on a lot of games. My real name is Samuel and I born somewhere in North America. I will be the official GM for all players but I will be your friend too. I got myself on Forgehub about 3 months ago, since I didn't seem active that much, I downloaded a lot of maps. I created three maps that was finally worthless. I thought a lot about RP on Forgehub and eh... Why don't you just go on #1?

    [aname=1]1- Why did I made that?[/aname]
    You can skip this part if you don't like reading

    I thought of that a while ago by the time I was doing RP on forums like SporeMania (french). I was surprised of funny it could be to read story that we are creating. (You'll probably see in near future). It's not to long after that I learned about the existence of D&D. So I thought it could be played again on a forum. It took a while before I get good at it. Then I bought a 360, Halo 3, blah blah blah And finally got here, on Forgehub. In the meantime, I discovered something near D&D named Storytelling, that I would have liked to use, but that I'm not enough used to it.

    But why sould you play? Just play Halo 3 instead!

    Yeah, but in Halo actions are not described. You can't backstab a brute while walking on the wall because of your high DEX (like Kelly did... :markvi: ). You can't do throw a flame grenade on a tree to get it in fire, to distract enemies. There is no covenant's ships to destroy in groups or a UNSC commander to assassinate (if you are a purple guy with active camo and an energy sword... :embarassed:). All this can be done with D&D, your brain (and mine), Forgehub and a computer with core equipment.

    But how to play D&D? You are about to discover it. :lol:

    [aname=2]2- D&D basics[/aname]
    Now it's getting interesting!

    D&D is a roleplaying game that define the genre and has set the standard for fantasy roleplaying for more than 30 years. You will live incredible adventures and take dangerous quests. You have an infinity of possibility and you can realize everything you imagine. (Definition from the player handbook I)

    You take the role of a adventurer in a group of players, exploring dungeons and killing monsters. You will prosper and evolute to become a powerful hero. The Game Master (GM) will play the enemies and develop what you see, you heard or that you sense.

    A game of D&D is composed of a lot of actions, a part of captivating combats, a part of epic trial and all sorts of strange mysteries. Each adventures are different, each quests are unique.

    When a player attempt an action he has a chance to fail, the player or GM roll a 20 faces dice (d20). To know if the player succeed or fail (if he attack a monster or he use a competence), we follow these steps:

    - Roll a d20
    - Add the proper modifier
    - Comparing the result with a threshold of success

    If the result is equal or bigger than the threshold, the character success. If not, obviously, he fail. There is no need to roll dice for all actions, only in combat or whenever the action isn't sure. So in fact, the GM describe the situations to the players, players describe what their characters do, the GM calculate what happen and it restart.

    There is two phases of play, combat an non-combat. Non-combat is when players are preparing for adventure, exploring the dungeons or talking to NPC (Non playable character, like prophet of Verity). In this two phases, player do competence test, characteristic tests or attack test. Combat phase is when players encounter monsters. This phase is divided into rounds. Each rounds worth approximatively 6 seconds. There is three types of actions a player can do in a round: simple actions, movement actions and complex actions. There is several possibilities: simple action then movement action, movement action then simple action, two movement actions or a complex action.

    The player role is the say what his character do. He isn't obligate to think or explore the probability of success of his character before saying what he do. ' Just say it. The player need to decide what his character looks like, what is his personality, his relation with NPC and act in function of all this. The player can describe his character actions ("Minikloon sneak to the door and pawn the head of the hunter.") or talk like if were the character: ("I go to the door and kill the hunter with a powerful strike with my gravity hammer, on his funny head.").

    See, but now, how I adapted the rules to fit with Halo?

    [aname=3]3- Adaptation of D&D to Halo 3[/aname]
    If you want to know more or you are confused, see the next, character creation

    I adapted D&D so we can recognize Halo in it. First of all, there is no D&D class. ( ! :confused: ! ) Yes, characters are built with your competence. So there is no arcane spells nor divine spells. The skills will be based like a tree (do you know the flash game: "Sonny". I will write all the skills in another thread. Obviously, the XP (experience points) will not be like in Halo. It will be points like in Storytelling (a very good system). Check this board:

    After each game, one point is deserved for each thing that you respect in this board. To level up, you need 10+your lvl points.

    However I added some things to the competence system of D&D. First, I added actual competences (like hacking) and futuristic competences (like teleporter resiliance). It will allow players to do whatever they want. You could create a thieve by placing points in "stealth", "acrobatics", "bluff", "lock picking", "disguise" and "pickpocketing". You'll get competence points each time you level up.

    Now, what is SAME has in D&D: There will be AC (Armor Class) and Basic attack bonus. The six abilities are like in D&D. I'll use feats like in D&D for a bigger customization of the character. Feats will be listed in a new thread I don't know when.

    There will be save checks in the game but based as if it was competences.

    More of that, because it's halo, you'll have races and alliances. The races are Human, Spartan, Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Brutes, Prophet and Hunter. All the races are described in the character creation section.
    Alliances are more complex. Check this board:


    Now, you know a little about D&D and how it will be in the games. But, you'll need to create a character, so what about learning how to create one? (I know your mind presently, you are like
    :squirrel_wtf: :WTF, this guy is crazy!)

    [aname=4]4- Character Creation[/aname]
    Your turn to write!

    I'll use a special board for characters. For the creation, you simply need to fill the form below and PM it to me. I'll put it in the characters database. Refer here for external rules.

    Now let you know the different class. You need to know that you don't put any ability points at character creation. You have 9 competence points, 14 for brutes, 16 for human, 23 for elites, 27 for spartan.

    Here is the competences board.

    Competences Board:

    !!Forget about the class, it's only for GM!!
    Let me precise that I'm speaking French in my mother thong. So these competences are traduced of competence I took in my book (D&D Player Handbook).

    Comparing to D&D, all the threshold will be more difficult because I simplified the rule (a lot), and this reduced the overall difficulty of the game.

    For you to know, you'll get each level:
    -5 Ability points
    -1 LVL (Obviously)
    -4 competence points
    -1/2 feat (So you need

    But what is the "class" and "Ability" tab in the board? I think it will simplify the keep the game but keep some things that has been thought in D&D 3.5. It may be revised but it's seem good for me. Anyway, class associated with a particular competence get a natural +3 bonus in this competence. Every point in a Ability associated to a competence give you a 0,1 bonus in this competence.

    But how these competences are used? I explained before that in D&D, you need to roll dice to know what things that happen. So, probably you saw "add corresponding modifiers"? If yes (no?), these modifiers are bonus and malus. Each point you have in a competence is a +1 modifier to the competence roll. Malus are, for example, that you'll get a -15 malus on balance roll if you are on fresh ice (Or simply that you have a negative competence...)

    Now, for each races:

    -All human must respect the order of higher ranked military peoples.
    -All human are smarter then other races, so they get a +10 bonus to intelligence.
    -Marines have a +4 attack bonus on all attack rolls.
    -Marines are formed to all UNSC light weapons, so they have this feat at start.
    -You cannot be a marine with a bigger grade than Major.
    -Scientists have a +20 bonus to intellect and +5 in charisma
    -ODSTs are formed to all the weapons except the very heavy one, so they have these 4 feats at start.
    -ODSTs have a +5 bonus to all ability.
    -ODSTs have a +4 attack bonus on all attack rolls.
    -You need to have at least 200 posts on Forgehub to be an ODST
    -Pilot start with one UNSC pilot and are formed with all UNSC light weapons, so they have these two feats at start.
    -Officers are basically like marines.
    -Officers have +15 bonus to charisma, +10 to intelligence and +5 to wisdom.
    -Officers have the skill to call up for 5 marines in a Pelican one time by 2 days.

    -Spartans have +15 on all ability.
    -Spartans are formed to use any weapons.
    -Spartans start off with a MJOLNIR armor.
    -You need to be a loyal member, or architect to be a spartan.

    -Elites have a +12 on all ability
    -Elites are formed to use any weapons.
    -Elites start off with an high-tech armor.
    -Elites have the skill to influence Covenant alliance's grunts to join his team, on time each hour.
    -You need to be a moderator, or in the top-ten chat box users to be an Elite.

    -Grunts are smaller, so they can go in any place (I had no idea for these poor creature.)
    -Grunts are formed with covenant's light weapons.
    -Warned members MUST use this race.

    -Jackals have a +15 to DEX.
    -Jackals are formed with covenant's light weapons.
    -Jackals start of with a Particle Gun and the Sniper Killer feat or they start with a energy shield.

    [SIZE=2]-Hunters start with a Hunter Armor, including the gun.
    -Hunters are formed with their armor's fuel rod canon.
    -Hunters have +25 to strength, +10 to DEX.
    -You must be a Loyal Member, Administrator or moderator to be a hunter.
    -Hunters are always two, so the hunter that follow you may be a NPC, or a player's character.

    [SIZE=2]-Brutes have +5 to all ability except charisma and wisdom.
    -Brutes are formed to all covenant's weapons.
    -Brutes start off with an energy armor.
    -Brutes have the skill to get up in rage for 6 round, boosting their strength by +25, this every time they wear an energy armor.
    -You must have at least a 300+ post count on Forge Hub to be a Brute.

    [SIZE=2]You must be an administrator to be a Prophet. ;) Good luck being one![/SIZE]

    Now, what about advanced rules and new rules? Go see the next post!

    [aname=5]5- Advanced and new rules[/aname]
    Get your mind blown now!

    What I was saying by new rules are the rule we will use here, because of this forum.

    I'll have, for every games, a stickied thread with the date on it. I will first post the description of the adventure, so people know what they do and where they are. At the end of each post I write I will put the time left to send me what your character is doing.

    The players can communicate (ideally) in the "LOL box" section of the forum. So please, don't go and flood the chat while players are discussing!

    To send me what your character is doing, you just need to send me a PM.

    What you PM me will be calculated and I will describe it without changing your action. To help me for that, you can send me what you think in you player's head too.

    When you posted what you do, you'll have a little time to play Halo or anything else (except Dofus, Runescape and PS3 [​IMG] ).

    Just for you to know, I will post everything players send me after the game finish.

    Advanced rules
    Now, for advanced rules, you need to know that there are things incorporated in D&D that can augment your chance to win in combats. First, there is initiative, based on your DEX+some modifiers. This is the turn of play of the characters AND the enemy(ies). There is your speed too, how much meter you can run in a turn. These two things, I will not release it, but they are known.

    Then there are combat special actions. Like charge. If you run into another character in a direct line, then attack him, he will suffer more damage.

    There is also complete defense, this help you by boosting you evasive and resistance a lot.

    There is feigning. You can use your bluff skill to but an enemy second simple action or stop his complex action then attack him.

    There is feat that you can use like special attacks passively or daily.

    There is group feat. If all players are good in climbing, you can get a bonus of climbing when you are with a particular group.

    But remember everything is possible, and depending on the situation, I could give you bonus or malus. Like if you are on ice in a combat in face of cold giant, you will get a -2 bonus to DEX. And in ability rolls, your ability is always divided by 2,5.
    And you can get a bonus to shoot with an apparition if you are on a mountain!

    [aname=6]6- Noob Tools[/aname]

    If you're a noob, here you'll understand how to don't be one anymore. More of that, I'll explain here what I'll do with people not "cooperative" to improve their behavior. First, let's see a definition of "Noob".

    Now, if you're a n00b, let get you on the right way with 4 basic lessons:

    You are not god [title=Mouseover Text](nor me)[/title]

    This mean that you can't create the best character and kill all the universe. When you post what your character do to me, don't imagine that you could create a Mega Robot, kill everybody with it an go to Jamaica, all this in the same round. Think about the two action you can do, or a the complex action. Keep in mind that if you PM me something stupid or like this:
    You'll simply die.

    You are not the GM

    A current error that the newbies do is describing what the GM need to do with his/her actions. But there is another thing, you cannot describe yourself what is the environment. The GM will arrange things so that you know all about what you could or couldn't do. If you want to know what your character see exactly, PM the GM, don't invent things.

    Do not Metagame

    Let's get another definition:

    For example, let's say that Jimpo-Dok (The first character in the database) know that another player has a lack of vitality in his leg because he checked in the description of the character. So he decide to shoot in his leg. The player should use Jimpo-Dok to shoot in his leg, because Jimpo-Dok knew this lack, viewing the target limping.

    Read all the rules!

    But there is the consequences too. Sure, there is the Forgehub's warning system, but it would be too severe to punish a small infraction by a Forgehub's warning. So I decided to create a "RP permit". It's like your driving license, you have point, you loose points when doing something wrong, and you can loose your RP permit by loosing all your points. But don't panic! You'll not loose point for ALL what you are wrong with. Only major things. Peoples start off with 12 points.
    #1 Minikloon, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  2. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have several issues with the system and the OP. First off, your adaption of D&D to Halo 3 is heroic, but not at all realistic. The basis of D&D lies in having a good combo of classes, but there are none in your setting. While you can argue that racial stats replace this, I still don't like it. Second, there a WAY more rules needed for this to be successful. You haven't talked about almost any actual combat or movement rules. Unless everyone playing is familiar with D&D, this will make the game very fail. The third major issue I have is with the medium. Unfortunately, stat based gaming like D&D does NOT work well with a random group of internet gamers. No one wants to have to keep track of chaotic stats when people are posting left and right. Because were all on at diffrent times; some people will inevitable feel left out. Finnaly, I was looking at the conversion stats and I can only say I hope your joking. Humans get a +10 to intelligence? WHAT? Humans should be the "standared" race that all other races diviat from. My best suggestion would be to try making a more refined system based off of a better d20 system for futuristic encounters called "d20 modern." Good luck in the future, but I highly doubt this system would work effectivley.

    Also, I'm just curious as to how familier you are with the D&D system. How many games have you DM'ed in the past? How many of the supplement books have you read? How exactley good are you at DM'ing? Could you tell me the exact rules for an assault rifle right now?

    P.S. A good friend of mine has actually developed a Halo campaign setting, I'll see if I can get his or find a better one.

    Here, I suggest looking at this Halo campaign setting, it is much more realistic than yours, no offense.
    #2 Actually cool, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He's not done with it yet. If you look at it, there are more numbers left. In those, the rest will be explained. At least that's what I believe from what he's told me in P.M.'s Please no one else post until his thread is complete.
    #3 redearth, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  4. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even with additional rules, there are still hundreds of pages needed to really describe all the stats you need to run or play a game like this.
  5. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is no problem at posting constructive Reply on the thread.

    But Redheart is right, I've not finished yet. I had a draft but I realized that there were missing a lot of things. I would have released it in a very fast way if I haven't to revise all my already-done work.

    But anyway, the most important rules are coming in "Being a GM". There, I will describe how to work with combat. But there is a thing that you didn't mentioned. The game is very different from D&D because it's a lot mixed with Storytelling. Go to any store and check for "World of Darkness". The major difference in Storytelling is that it's not a "GM", it's a "Storyteller". His role is to tell story. He tell this story by calculating what the characters do with invariable context. In Storytelling, there isn't classes or AC. It's all about competences. Storytelling is much more adapted to Forum games than D&D. But I needed to have some clear basis for player to really understand how to create their character, which is the hardest part of D&D. So I had to deal with this and I decided to simplify the rules by cutting directly the classes, and let the player to not be very contentious of what is happening is my head.

    In fact, I reversed all technical work on the side of the GM. Why would I have showed to players how much case they could walk. Why should I have to show players that to hit the enemy, they need to get their attack up the CA of the enemy. They don't even need to bother with what is the CA. If they know that they wouldn't hit a hunter if they were civilian, they don't need to know it's because the Integrated Fuel Rod Canon +1 of the hunter is a 18 Meters line attack causing corrosive 2d6 damages, and that his BAB is +10/+5 because it's a 10d Monstrous Character, no? Players only need to know, who they are, where they are and what they will do in this situation, they don't need to calculate their Chance of Success.

    For the realistic thing, is Halo realist? It's sure the human are more intelligent then Grunts but less than Elites. But in Halo 2, we clearly see that the Elites QI is not that high. The adaptation is sure global, but easy to understand.

    Check this thing, I would have to explain all what that signifies. What is exterior type of special power. What is a special Power. What is a Level Adjustment. Item creation feat, why would I create an Item if I don't know what is an Item? You could tell me that I could post another link to learn all this... But why players would have to learn all this? D&D 3.5 Basic rules is about 400 pages for the important parts of Dungeon Master Guide and Player Handbook. Plus all the important extension like all the Completes, Unearthed Arcanes and Player Handbook II. If they want a realist game than they'll just have to spend 200$ buying books, learn how to play to their friends. But my point to the RP was to play on a Forum, with people who don't want to spend the same time I did to write this rules to understand the rules.

    So I think players haven't to be familiar with D&D, just be familiar with this game. :squirrel_wtf:

    Next, working with strangers isn't a problem for me. I've played all sorts of RP from French to English, after two or three games, you get to know all the players. As a GM, I hosted a lot of games. I played at school, at home, on the web, even on Xbox Live. I cannot prove what I've done, so I'm not going to write anything more on this.

    I wish this explanation answered your question, hope to see you in game someday.

    #5 Minikloon, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  6. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, you certainly explained some things better, I can see were you are coming from. I might play, but I'm still going to be wary of these rules.
  7. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This seems really neat and all but before you continue I'd like to tell you two things that can help you out in the process of doing this.

    One: I would suggest using a browser that has a spell check feature enabled, such as Firefox because I see several grammatical errors in your post. If you want something like this to be done and taken seriously, make people think you're serious, by having good grammar and punctuation.

    Two: Using bbcodes to anchor a specific position on one of your posts in this thread, or a specific part in one of your posts can make the viewing process for yourself and the members who wish to view this thread a whole lot easier. You would be using the below codes that are in the two below links, [aname=Option] and [jumpto=Option].

    Forge Hub - BB Code List

    Forge Hub - BB Code List

    Well, I hope that helps out a little bit. This seems like quite the complicated process just to play a forum game. Best of luck to you Minikloon and I hope it turns out well.
    #7 Agamer, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  8. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes! halo dnd ftw

    *bookmarks page*
  9. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eh, I still think you should use D20 Modern or D20 Future for this...

    ... Personal opinion.

    EDIT: First off, GMs will most likely be people that have real life experience with D&D(assuming you allow other people to GM at some point). As long as the GM knows what the statistics is, the players don't have too.

    2nd EDIT: Another idea, have campaigns for newer players who don't know D&D well that are simplistic and use the basic rules found here. Also have campaigns that are for more advanced players who know D&D/Role playing in and out.

    I realy hope this RP works out; there has already been a casual RP here before and many members of the community show an interest in having more RPs together.
    #9 Actually cool, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  10. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you want to make suggestions about the RP, go on this thread. It's created so that opinion, bugs and all those stuff can be wrote there.

    .No comments.
    #10 Minikloon, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  11. Donii

    Donii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Uhh, I think its because we couldnt understand, and that there was 3 people signed up... dont close it because the first day failied..
  12. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To all population: Since the time I stopped the RP, I thought a a lot about it. I think I should start it again. Check the post announcing the closing of the RP, it has a link to a thread for all the propositions and rules-to-correct. So, why did I changed my mind? Because I worked a lot on those rules. I made errors and I am aware of it. Maybe I'll be ready for a total rule arrangement, but don't expect to do it for you.

    I'm would be happy if all this work. So, I edited the first game post, because I don't want to write a new story.
  13. Donii

    Donii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do i just write down what i do?!?!
  14. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think you just reply in the thread like I did saying you are ready for the event.
  15. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Redearth got it. I don't want annoy you, but all this is explained in the rules:

    If you have difficulty understanding this or you think this needs more clarification, PM me and I'll explain it to you. Then you could write it for me :joker:.

    But it seems I should clarify it more. The RP is not started yet, so you don't PM me yet. When it will start, you'll need to PM me what your character will do, BUT, you have only 40 minutes to do so. Is this clear?

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