Sandbox Symmetry

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by koolcurtains, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. koolcurtains

    koolcurtains Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Koolcurtains

    Hey guys, this is my first map here, so maybe you can help out with any problems o_O

    anyway, on to the map!

    BR / multiple, (over 15) / 30 sec
    Carbine / 4 / 30 sec)
    sticky grenade / multiple, (over 15) / 20 sec
    shotgun / 2 / 60 sec
    sniper rifle / 2 / 90 sec
    brute shot / 2 / 60 sec
    Frag grenade / multiple / 10 sec
    rockets / 1 / 150 sec
    Missile pod / 2 / 90 sec
    assult rifle / 6 / 30 sec

    Overshields / 1 / 120 sec
    Active camo / 2 / 90 sec

    Regenerator / 1 / 120 sec
    flare / 2 / 60 sec
    trip mine / 1 / 90 sec
    bubble shield / 2 / 90 sec
    energy drain / 2 / 90 sec

    Chopper / 2 / 120 sec
    warthog / 2 / 90 sec

    In my opinion, this shot gives a good angle for most of the map, although it doesn't show the detail in the center or bases. Those will come in a sec.


    Center shot: This shot shows some of the detail in the center, *note* the spartan laser is no longer there!

    One of the sniping towers, the other one is identical. The ledges around the outside are used to get to the top. *ALSO* I know that the sniping towers are kind of obsolete where they are, in the center line of fire between the two bases, but it was made that way! this map is made to play fast and furiously, not just BR over half the map.


    Bases: Both are identical with the same vehicle and weapon layout. They consist of three (3) levels, the top floor, a "central stairway" and the bottom, which is where the missile pod spawns. The top of the bases are open to prevent base-camping.


    The shotgun is under the top platform which you can see above

    Just some more base details:


    And the sniper spawns:
    There is an identical spawn location on the other side of the map, and the two active camo's are opposite the snipers.

    The rocket spawns UNDER the center area, and is reachable from 2 different directions.


    Thanks for taking the time to view my first thread, and comment on the map! The download link is below, tell me how you think it plays. : Halo 3 File Details
    (new link, other one was kinda bad o_O)
    #1 koolcurtains, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  2. Jaf x T3

    Jaf x T3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im downloading after i post this, from what ive seen it looks pretty good, i love the centre piece that looks sick, the only bad thing i think is that laser and overshield in same spot doesnt seem too good, also maybe have one sniper in the middle just to one side and one camo opposite instead of having 1 of each on each side
  3. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, for a first post, not bad! On to the map though. You seem to have a good layout, weapons are good. I would strongly suggest you learn some interlocking technics to clean up map a little.

    And on the note of the DL link. You need it to link directly to the map download page. Go to your fileshare, click on the map and then create a link to that page.
  4. Jaf x T3

    Jaf x T3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you know in the centre piece? maybe under the stone platforms add a wall under so its all flat otherwise you just sink there and have to jump out

    and theres actually 6 places to get the rockets from, you can go between the oblsieks things, that can easily be fixed though instead of having a wedge corner up side down maybe have just a normal. and really sorry but you centre piece side with the re-gen is slighty wonky if you look from the grid lines compared to the trip mine side

    EDIT: on the red tower piece you forgot two plasma grenades
    #4 Jaf x T3, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  5. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well this map has a veeeery original name btw lol...alright well there is nice symetry and i like how the bases are open and you can jump down in them and ninja people pretty easily. nice weapon placement and forging but i would move the sniper spawn into the bases and exchange it with a bubble shield
  6. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks really good
    Although on the 4th pic some parts of the base look out of place e.g the ramp on the right is out of place
    But it looks really good for a first post congrats
    keep forging
  7. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    I think the build of the map is very nice. Though your weapons choice and placement is messed up in my eyes. I dont think there should be an over shield right above the lazer. And i think that there should only be one active camo... Maybe you could spread out the over shields and the active camo on the center line of your map so both teams have a chance.


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