Any Recomendations?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stickmanmeyhem, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Okay, so I've got $80 and a bunch of played out games. I'm looking for a new game, but I'm too lazy to find it myself. That's why we're here. I want to know any suggestions you have for me to get.
    My preferences:
    -A freeroam/sandbox game (eg: GTA4, Saints Row 2, etc.)
    -A good shooter
    -A good MMORPG (eg. Fable II)
    -An overall amazing game

    Can all the games suggested please be for the X360 :D
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Well what games do you have?

    If u r into Lord of the Rings you could get LOTR: Conquest. Its a 16 player arena style game. Like Star Wars Battlefront
  3. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    well, I don't know what games you have, but heres the ones I own.

    Gta4- great game. fun to fool around with friends. hell of a long story line. ( achievment for beating it under 30 hours lol).

    Fable I- classic awesomeness. Its gonna make you fall in love you sword fighting and magic crap. If you buy it though you can't use xbox live for it and no achievements. your actions effect your appearance.

    Fable II- good. a great follow up to F1 but this one lets you roam around more. there are jobs and families and co-op. a lot of DLC. pets. storyline is kinda silly though, i recommend gettin fable 1 first though. basically if you want to be evil than you will grow horns and look real creepy. opposite for being good.

    Cod4- very good campaign. love the sniping mission. online is extremely addicting, but the maps are kinda dull. No spawning issues with online gameplay.

    Cod5- alright campaign. online is very fun, but there are spawning issues and strange glitches. The maps are beautiful though! I personally have a tie between cod4 and 5.

    Cod4:2- not out yet! but i think you should get it when it does!

    mass effect- good storyline. very confusing. fun shooting game. you get to choose what skills you want and whether you are a mean or good person. ( your modd doesn't affect your physical appearance.)

    Turok- havent beaten campaign. very repetitive killing sequences. online play was pretty boring aswell.

    Xbox live arcade:

    castle crashers- very addicitng game. fun campaign to play with friends. you get to choose your skill sets.

    banjo kazooie- classic N64 game with revised graphics. It is awesome!!!! I really enjoyed this game. no online game stuff.

    Banjo tooie- very challenging game. better graphics than first game. better storyline. Very inovative moves and abilities.

    These are the games I have or have heard about. I highly reccomend GTA4 and Fable series. call of duty games are about just as addicting as halo.
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I would highly recommend Prototype. It is a free roam/sandbox game, and I love it. As for a shooter, I would recommend Battlefield: Bad Company. I was told it recently got put in the discount bin, and that is a huge steal. I loved the campaign, and it offers a truly unique online experience, one that I find more enjoyable than any other FPS.
  5. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Yeah I herd Prototype was a good game. I would go with that or Crackdown if u want a sandbox game.

    Crackdown u r basically a super cop riding the city of gangs. Being a super cop in a 3-district city is really fun.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Battlefield 1943 comes out next week.
  8. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Some of these sound good... If any of you have any more reccomendations, im going out tomorrow to buy a new game, so... yeah...
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    You should give Red Faction: Guerrilla a look. Its an open world third person shooter where every building is 100% destructible. You can literally chip away bits and pieces of the building in the most real destruction engine ever. It also has 16 player multiplayer.
  10. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Yeah, my brother's in love with that game... I played the demo, but didn't like it...
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Which demo? The SP demo serves no justice on how awesome the entire game is. Red Faction fills alot of those requirements of yours and more:

    -A freeroam/sandbox game
    -A good shooter
    -A good multiplayer, MMO's have sub fees except Sacred 2 if that counts.
    -An overall amazing game

    But you said your bro has it so IDK if you should buy it again lol.
    Prototype looks like a rental and nothing else is coming out this summer for the 360.
    #11 Willmatic, Jul 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  12. natu

    natu Ancient
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    You should really consider buying Cod4 or 5. But I personaly would wait and buy Modern Warfare 2 when it comes out. Probably gonna out do Halo. Amazing games, they are.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Yeah for sure it will. I just with it would have a map editor. Just think... a good game with a good map editor on the Xbox 360. But I guess we can't ask for miracles.
  14. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to agree with this guy here, if you haven't taken this game for a spin your really should. It kicks some serious FPS arse.
  15. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    COD: Modern Warfare: Compelling Story, Great Online, Overall a great game for the money.

    COD:WAW: Wouldn't really recommend it. World War II Games are played out, and this one wasn't very innovative. **** Zombies is fun with friend or over Xbox Live, but that's about it...

    COD: Modern Warfare 2
    : Hasn't come out yet. Definitely going to out-do World at War, but I'm not sure about the first Modern Warfare.

    Gears of War: Meh, wouldn't recommend it. Story was dull, Multiplayer is glitchy, and overall a 3rd person shooter feels weird.

    Gears of War 2: Again, not my cup of tea. Horde mode was cool though.

    Rock Band 2
    : Great fun with friends, HUGE song list, endless amounts of DLC, and overall a game you will most likely keep coming back to.

    The Beatles: Rock Band: It's Rock Band, so you know it'll be good. It's also got The Beatles, so you know it'll be amazing! Most likely easier than Rock Band 2 though. Come Together, 9/9/09!

    Crackdown: A new twist on Sandbox Games, for once your not the bad guy! Really fun story, and gameplay is very smooth. The narrator is very annoying though.

    Grand Theft Auto IV: The fourth installment of the Grand Theft Auto Series. Shooting and Driving Mechanics are improved since III, and the story is good.

    Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock: Third Installment of the Guitar Hero Franchise. Gameplay is much more streamlined in this one, and the fact that you get to play as Slash totally rocks!

    Guitar Hero: Aerosmith: First ever Band-Specific Guitar Hero! Features all of Aerosmith's Hard Rockin' Hits, as well as Aerosmith themselves! The Setlist is small though.

    Guitar Hero: Metallica: Guitar Hero based on the career of the most popular metal band out there! Again, a small setlist, but this is one hard hitting Guitar Hero game.

    Guitar Hero: World Tour: Woo! Full Band! In-Depth Character Creation, Song Creation, and the Biggest Setlist in Guitar Hero! However, there aren't many fun songs in this one.

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: One of the longest RPG's ever made. So much to do, so little time. Great story, and endless questing, and dungeon diving.

    Fallout 3: Post-Apocalyptic RPG fun! Huge game space and soooo much to do.
  16. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Far Cry 2- Not for the shitty map maker but for the story it is great.

    LotR: Conquest: Imagine Star Wars Battlefront in LotR format.

    Modern Warfare 2:Looks good like Warfare 1 but better.

    Bioshock or Dead Space:Both good horror games. Both are very similar.

    Condemend: A hidden gem. It is the scariest game I have ever played. Beats any other horror game by a mile.
  17. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    OP are you interested in PC gaming? If you are there's this game called killing floor, it's loads of fun. It's a zombie survival game(literally, thats all you do is play online to survive the 10 waves and boss). it may seem boring whenn you watch the trailer but it's kickass
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Prototype is fun but it wouldn't be my first recommendation.
    If you want a good shooter, Call of Duty: World at War is great. You could get modern warfare but modern warfare 2 is coming out so soon that it's probably not worth it.
    A sandbox FPS that I've played is Far Cry 2. It isn't bad, but it isn't exactly the funnest game out there.
    Those are just my thoughts.
  19. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    If you don't have Fallout 3 or Oblivion yet, they are definitely must have games.
    There's also a game coming in October I think it is, called Borderlands. It's a 4 player online game like left 4 dead but it's an RPG. It has a huge online world with over 1 million different types of weapons and your free to level up your character. Looks like lots of, fun I'll be getting it :happy:
  20. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    For the xbox?
    I came.

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