i remember the old days where when you raced it was smooth and all about making the right decisions. I'm making a race map and i love forging with another person. i need some ideas and some creative juice as of me not sleeping for the past 48+ hours anyone willing to help?
Well i am not very good at interlocking and making things smooth and flush so i wouldn't be of much help. but maybe mix things up a bit with your track, maybe have it split of into two paths at one part of the map, one being quicker but much harder to navigate one be wide and the other very narrow (perhaps the width of a wedge, long) Or one where two parts of a track jump into each other in an X. I've seen many racetracks where one section jumps over another but none where both jump and there is a potential to run into someone in the air. Good Luck with the map. Sorry i am of no use to help you build a racetrack
The only ideas I have is that you should try to make pitstops and stuff like NASCAR but I really dont see what you mean by old fashioned.I do go to bed so I cant help you though ;p
I dont understand what you mean by "need to make the right decisions" Do you mean that it is a race where you need to take shortcuts and choose paths? Also do you mean "old fasioned" by lining the sides with cones instead of walls? =P
what i meant by old fashioned was remember those racing games where you actually had to race against people and make the right decisions by you know if i take this turn to close to the edge ill lose speed but ill gain shorter distance so i mean actually planning strategies instead of just gunning it. and well to the person who says they are no good at interlocking all i need is ideas so you can still join and help you'll probably learn something