After looking at all the featured maps that are made by a team of two, I have decided to try and recruit someone to make a map with me. Here's the catch; You have to have a mic, and you have to post what timezone you are in so I can plan around that. I am in Central (GMT -6). Hit me up on XBL (my gamertag is the same as my name) with a FR, and we'll talk.
Have you made any maps yet? Most people won't want to forge with someone when they don't know a thing about their forging skills. Can you interlock and geomerge effectively? Do you know the basics to map design? i.e. Line of Sight and Risk vs Reward Can you highly comprehend Halo's spawning system? Can you effectively place spawns, spawn areas, etc.? Can you effectively place weapons, equipment, and vehicles so that the map is balanced for symmetrical/asymmetrical play? And arguably the most important: Are you original in your forging? Can you design and create something that nobody has ever made... something that will blow people away? If you answer no to a majority of these questions, most experienced forgers will not be willing to work with you. I myself did not do a collaborative map project until just recently, about half a year into my forging career. I had to learn the basics and advanced components about forging before someone would forge with me. To further this, go to the below link that leads you to a thread made specifically for getting people together to forge.