:happy: LONGSHORE: Anticipation Thread :happy: Well, ya I know that there has been no info released about the other section of mythic maps, but, this thread is for discussing the posibillites of Longshore, what map YOU may want it be be a remake of, all the things you are anticipating about Longshore. I WILL INCLUDE PICTURES THAT YOU POST AND EDIT THEM INTO THE MAIN THREAD POST UNDER THE SECTION OF THIS THREAD "PICTURES" My big question is, do you think it will have good forging items like walls and immovable double boxes? If it is to be a remake of Relic, the terrain is more than likely going to be bumpy, probably influencing bungie to take off immovable FLAT objects such as walls or double boxes. What i am really anticipating about longshore is getting outside the map and building a map on the top of the water, away from the original map. IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU COULD INCLUDE SOME PICTURES REGARDING WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE ON lONGSHORE AS WELL AS WHAT YOU MAY WANT IT TO BE A REMAKE OF, OR WHAT WEAPONS, VEHICLES, STRUCTURES. ETC. ETC Things people want to see: Valhalla Base 1 vote Possible Relic Remake 2 votes Double boxes/walls/good forging items 5 votes No remake (completely original) 4 votes good gameplay, if not a good forging map 3 votes Teleport system 2 votes Floating elephants? 2 votes Various/multiple island connected by bridge 4 votes Last Resort Remake 2 vote (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (Reserved) Discuss Discuss what you would like to see on longshore, from weapons to vehicles to forging ability. Spoiler QUOTE=mikelp;944794]This has been a map that only true Halo fans know about and have wanted this to be remade into H3. It fits the description very well and is very close to that false image of multiple islands. Here it is: Halo PC's Death Island: Its about the same size of the entire campaign mission: "The Silent Cartographer" and if I remember correctly, you can even enter the structures and dwell in the pathways beneath the island.[/QUOTE] Pictures Post pictures of the map you want longshore you want to be remade from, or just small details of the map Spoiler relic possibility remake Last Resort Beach Multi Islands Heres where I get the shores in "Longshore": Confirmed longshore Structures Post pictures of structures you would like to see on Longshore. Spoiler Vallhalla base structure Elephants You may photoshop/gimp/edit your photos if you want to. Again, you dont have to post pictures, you can just discuss the possibilities of longshore/what was stated in the upper section of post.
I hope it's not another remake. I hope they never make another remake. They've butchered enough of my favorite maps. How many remakes has Halo 3 had now? There was practically a whole map pack dedicated to remakes. All I hope is hat Longshore and Citadel(Was it called citadel?) are worth it. And I hope that Midship is a perfect remake. Not a bullshit remake like Last Resort, Blackout and Avalanche. Perfect. Even down to the platform being able to fall down if you get those two boxes on it at the same time or where you get 16 people to look at it and it disappears. And already I'm disappointed with it.
I agree with you about it probably being a bumpy surface and therefore not likely to be a good forging map. I hope one of the three maps will offer decent forging opportunities but I'm doubtful. I reckon they'll be great maps to play on though, can't wait to see what citadel is like.
thank you knarly and telrad, your comments have been put in the discuss spoiler. And people, POST SUM PICTURES!!!!!
I actually DO want to see a remake of Relic. I loved that map, and I think it would be awesome to see it in Halo 3. I also don't understand why people ***** and moan about the remakes already in Halo 3. Especially Blackout. "Man, that jump's too easy now!" Really? REALLY?!!! Shut up! It's fine. Anywho, if Longshore does not turn out to be a Relic Remake, I hope that the water doesn't have a lame invisible barrier on it like the ocean does on High Ground or Valhalla. I want people to be able to fall to their deaths just like on Relic. That was always funny.
thanks for the post awkward yeah, if they do the invisible barrier thing im gonna die of frustration, refraining to my "building cool map over water" statement. POST PICTURES PEOPLE!!!!!! whether its a structure or a picture of a map, i want to put more stuff in the thread, have it be more detailed
I dont want another remake, what happened to the Bungie that was original, that changed online multiplayer and FPS. The structures should be well designed, simple yet elegant. A problem I find with BT maps, assuming this is a big map, is that warthogs rule and the spawns are out in the open (Sandbox, Valhalla although thats only some of them, Sand Tarp) and thus the map flows away from the central structures and the anti-personnel weapons are not used. The structures should encourage CQ while patches of open space encourage Warthog pwnage, making death by warthog very avoidable but ocassional warthog kills to be a thorn in your side. Please put in a teleport system that means you cant successfully camp it. Valhalla BTB is so annoying because so many noobs go up the man cannon and get killed before the realise that 4x4 has a nice meaty gun on it. Dont throw all the vehicles at one place (Avalanche, Valhalla, Sandtrap although the Banshee was a nice idea). The name escapes me but i played an excellent Sandtrap variant long ago that had only mongooses at the starting bases with the warthogs bein space out in the open sand and key vehicles such as chopper, scorpion and ghost in the middle on top of Sniper, where banshee should be and towards the dunes outside the sort of T junction respectively. I just hope for a balanced map that makes BTB fast paced rather than a vehicle fest. P.S I wrote all of this assuming it will be a BTB map paying homage to Relic and Headlong. EDIT: Sorry, but i would have posted a picture if I could think of a good reason for it. If I cant I will put a picture in this post after each paragraph
Thx for the post, tartan but if it is a headlong remake, its probably gonna be like every other "island" map, (IE. High ground, last resort, etc. etc) I dun want that POST PICZ, you dont need to, i just want you to :3
I support: •Double boxes/walls/good forging items +1 •No remake (completely original) +1 •Good gameplay, if not a good forging map +1 I'd like to mainly see something like a sandy beach, with a desert surrounding. I'd really like to see a bridge going to maybe a single, or various islands on the ocean. That would be awesome!
thanks guys, all of your comments have been put in the disscussion spoiler. but i wish ONE OF YOU WOULD POST A PICTURE FOR THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES! 1 Structures. 2 Map overviews/pictures of maps to be remade. editing your pictures is nice too
The reason we '*****' about these remakes is that in Halo 2, they were perfect remakes. The 'remakes' in Halo 3 are not even remakes. They're more reimaginings. And these reimaginings disgrace the originals. They changed Lockout from tactical jump haven to BR haven. They changed Zanzibar to the point where the only recognisable feature is everything behind the wheel. Sidewinder from a vehicle standoff to a quick vehicle match and an infantry war. Minor changes to the maps make the whole map play different. Not to mention that Bungie avoided remakes and actually did proper reimaginings like Containment. They said it was a reimagining and they were right. It was nothing like Sidewinder but it had a Sidewinder quality to it. Back to what I hope Longshore has. I hope the map has no long range weapons. That would be very interesting. They haven't done something quite like that. Oh and Bungie, use the Elephant for another map. You made it sound so epic when you talked about it. When you spoke it, I imagined an awesome campaign mission where you had to hold off on the Elephant as it moved through Flood infested territory. I imagined an awesome map where the play was deffinetly more vehicle based then other maps. I imagined using the Elephant. Come on Bungie, use it more. Make more maps with it! The Elephant provides such an awesome game mechanic that you can't not use!
Pictures dammit, pictures!!! anyways, thank you telrad, your second disscusion post has been put in the discuss spoiler. PICTURES PEOPLE!
I hope it is an island, with forest in the middle and beach on the outside. And elephants that are ships but also land vehicles at the same time surrounding the island. I want it to be suitable for BTB but playable as a 4v4 BR or sniper map. And there should be an awesome timed event that blows up a certain area and kills people in the area.
What I think, and hope, it will be like is similar to Last Resorts beach area. A long beach with maybe an island or two with cliffs with ppossible caves and trees, etc. It could be curved almost like a cresent with one or two islands inside the curve. Thats what came into my mind first time I saw the map name.