Here's a new way to play customs with anyone again. This map is a medium size map and got lots of room to fit any type of game play you and your friends would like to play such as slayer or objective matches. I prefer 2-10 players but it doesnt hurt to mix it up a little with all 16 players. Here's some pics and the download link for the map please enjoy and have a great 4th of July Items on map: Active Camo 150sec, Overshield 150sec, 2 Plasma pistols both on 30sec, 2 Needlers 30sec, 2 Brute Shot 2 spare clips 30sec, Flamethrower 120sec, 2 Covenant Carbine 2 spare clips 30sec, 2 Maschine Gun Turret 90sec, Regenerator 120sec, Bubble Shield 120sec, 2 Plasma Grenades 10sec, 2 Firebomb Grenade 10sec, Energy Sword 150sec, Spartan Laser 180sec and Rocket Launcher 1 spare clip 180sec Download here : Halo 3 File Details Update: Its not a conquest sorry its just on sandbox.
The pics a description don't really give much of an insight into the map, but are you sure this is a conquest map? Or did you accidentely use the wrong prefix?
This looks like a pretty cool idea from the given screenshots, but an overview shot would be nice too. As well as a list of weapons available, number thereof, and clips/ respawn times.
Well i dont really get the map since there isnt much of a description, although the map looks very neat and well made. I really like the the different levels to the map, good job.
From the pics, I can't see it bieng Conquest. I really like the clean build though. Put more pics, maybe an overview drawing if you can't get a decent overview pic.
It is hard to tell what the map in all exactly looks like and I understand that overview screenshots are difficult to make sometimes. That said though it is still a good idea to at least try and have a half decent one up or until you can figure out how to get a better one. I say all this because your map does look neat and very clean from what I can see but we need to see more of your map. Also you said it comes with no gametypes so which ones are gametypes are supported?
I really like the concept of how you used a lot of the space in the crypt. On the flip side of that some parts almost look a little too empty. Anyways it's very clean and pretty fun to play on. Good job.
it seems like it could use a bit more cover but from what i can see theres nice merging and its very smooth. the stair well looks like it will be ninja central with very easy to jump down and assassinate people good job
Question, why did you put this under conquest when it isn't even for conquest? This also needs a more detailed description and overview shot(s). Also it doesn't look like there is much cover in the upper level. That's something you should fix. Again I can't tell much from the close up pictures you provided us, so please find a way to get an overview shot.