Dear Bungie,

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vinny, Jun 28, 2009.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    And it's not optional either! So if you already bought them, you pay full price anyway!

    IMO DLC should be covered under your XBL subscription, and only arcade games should cost money.
  2. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Areed, i believe all dlc should be free.
    hpk has a good point about the arcade games.
  3. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    K. I play Social because I LOATHE the Legendary pack. It rarely comes up (if at all), and I'm happy for that.

    Plus, Social is FTW. Unranked Mongoose fun is awesome.
  4. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Yeah? Well I loved ranked, because I like to throw my level out there like it's nobodys business. I wanted my 50 for General. And now I can't do that, because I can't do any ranked.

    So now i'm forever stuck at a 45.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    All you have to do is wait a couple of months and you'll have all your maps, plus the final three (hopefully with a decent Midship remake), ODST horde mode and a new campaign. Start saving now...
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Couldn't agree more, too bad it will never happen.
  7. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Lone Wolves?
  8. XtK ReApeR

    XtK ReApeR Ancient
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    Really, just because people are more fortunate than you and they can afford the maps does not mean anything okay? Get over it, I can play every single map in matchmaking, custom games, forge, and you can't. :haha: :haha: :haha:
  9. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    I think it is ridiculous that bungie make you have to have certain map packs to be able to play certain game types. But if you love the game you should be willing to pay the the price. The Legendary maps are still being widely used in the community, I think that's the reason they haven't made them free. The heroic map packs have basically been forgotten, except foundry of course, and that is why they've been put up for free.

    If you really want the maps then you should really stop being so cheap, it's worth it if you enjoy the game.
  10. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    Really? Thats a bit strange because I was ablet to with another gold profile on my Xbox. Unless it has something to do with the one being silver as the one I DL them on was still gold and the one I was playing on was Gold as well. But as far as I can tell its all the profiles on the one Hard drive.

    I was a bit annoyed especially as I bought the LMP and then found out the Mythic was being made complusory that month. Still bought it but was well miffed. I do think its a little suspect that they make a fair few play list with complusory maps that need to be paid for. Surely it would be better to create seperate playlists (expanded team mythic maybe?). Of course not much we can do ey. Either buy the playlists or wait for ODST I suppose. Not much else to do,
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    His point seems to have gone right over your head. Why is that?

    First of all, the Heroic map pack became free because it has no achievements tied to it. Microsoft doesn't allow for DLC with achievements.

    Second, what if the maps aren't worth their cost? I got them and played them quite a bit. Now what do I do when I see them in matchmaking? First of all, I rarely see them, then I veto Blackout and Ghost Town when I see them. Do you think that the map pack was worth it for me? TBH, the Legendary map pack isn't worth its cost. Probably all the map packs weren't worth their cost. Unlike in Halo 2 where the maps were very good and I didn't mind paying for a preview to them. Yeah, I didn't mind paying to play them a month before others because I enjoyed every second of those maps. I have millions of memories with Containment from driving into the eplosives to an epic flag capture where a whole team worked just to get the flag back. Those were maps that had value but I'm straying from the point.

    TL;DR, Maps should either be free or they shouldn't be required for ranked Matchmaking and don't say that the person should play social. I bought Halo 3 to play matchmaking against people my own skill and o finsish the story. The maps should just bring more diversity to matchmaking, if one so chooses to, and increase the lifespan of Halo 3. Nothing more.
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Quoted for immense amounts of truth, both your responses.

    To all those who think it's just people being 'cheap' when they complain about the maps, just consider this: I have all 3 map packs for Halo 3, and with the exception of the Heroic I've had them since release. Now, I too find the fact that charged DLC is required for playlists very unfair, but I bought them because I wanted to. Since I agree that the requirement for the DLC is unfair, yet I did infact buy them, where does that leave your 'cheap' argument?

    Now I do dislike having to pay for DLC, but I accept that I paid for Halo 3 when I bought it, and got a full game for my money, anything extra on top is annoying, but not something I will complain about since I am getting extra content for my money. If I don't like it, I can choose not to buy it. But that is different from making them required for playlists, the choice is taken away, and you are forced to pay just to continue playing a game that you have already paid for, and that is where the issue lies. Think about it like this: Someone could, right now, go out and buy a brand new copy of Halo 3 at full retail price, only to get home and not be able to play the majority of playlists. They would have paid for a game, and not be able to utilise it's main feature, a feature included within the base game, without having to pay more on top. Does this not seem just a little unfair?
    #52 Pegasi, Jul 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    I agree. If we payed for the game we should be able to play all the basic playlists. There could then be extra DLC playlists for those who have purchased parts or all of the DLC.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Precisely. It's actually a pity that things go like this, since the system whereby maps are optional but are used in games when all the players do have the maps is really nicely done. If the system were just kept like this, with possible DLC specific playlists just like you say (another thing Bungie do in fact implement and then remove later on), then everyone would be able to enjoy matchmaking whether they wanted the map packs or not, and would be able to play the game they have already paid for.

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