The Large Hadron Collider is a Particle accelerator, which this game is loosely based on. The Infected are in Ghosts, and have to try to Splatter the Humans which serve as the electrons. The map is a figure of 8 with a cross-section in the middle. The Zombies spawn in the roof of the map, stopping the humans from getting any assassinations. In all diagonal double walls there is a shield door, allowing the ghost to get around slightly faster. Picture 1: Picture 2: The humans have 300% speed, 200% gravity, no radar, a marker over their head that is visible to everyone, spawn with pistols and are coloured gold. They are spread out around the map on spawn, making it easier for them to get a foothold at the start of the game. There is a minimum of 4 zombies spawning at the start. This can make the game very chaotic and can cause you to abruptly die if you aren't paying close attention! Once the last man is chosen, He gains a 10m Radar and turns Pink. The Radar can help slightly, but you'll have to keep on your toes If you're to survive the full 5 minutes. Some Gameplay shots: Just to recap: Zombies: 100% speed 200% gravity Pistol Camo Ghost Humans: 300% speed 200% gravity Pistol Forced colour Gold Last Man: 300% speed 200% gravity Pistol Forced colour Pink 10m Radar I am open to constuctive criticism on how I can improve the map. Download here: Map: Gametype:
Good map. It looks like it would play fun in big parties. (only if the map isnt to big)Maybe, instead of making humans super fast, but that cant jump high, make em run at normal speed -or higher- and make em a little hevier than usual. This will make humans have to jump tactically to avoid getting killed by ghosts. Also post a pic of and overview to see how big it is. P.S. first post, yey.
Here is a pic of the map size. I have left a ghost in the middle to compare. The map is 4 blocks wide on the Sandbox grid. The only exception to this is the diagonal corners. Even though the humans have a gravity of 200%, they can still clear a ghost if the jump is timed carefully. You will often mess up though.
Replace the blocks on the inside corners with Wedge, Large. It will make it more rounded and easier to turn in. Or put shield doors on the outside of the corners- The ghosts will bounce off the corners. Or, Man cannons on the corners.
Did you not read the top part of my post? I have put shield doors into the Outside diagonal walls so you can bounce round the corners. You'll still be slowed down slightly, but you won't be stuck on the wall.
he's saying that if you put a wedge instead of a block on the inside corner, the ghosts will be able to corner easier. the map does look good but there are to many maps with this concept so im not going to download. also, if the spawns are spread out around the map, why are there only 6 of them in a line facing a wall? sholdn't they be at each corner facing down a road or in a spawn hive that kicks the minto the map after 10 seconds or somthing?
The spawn hive idea sounds like it would work better than what I already have. There are more than 6 spawns on the map, it's just you can't see them. Quick sketch in paint to show where the spawns are.