Thank you, B3NW, for the video. You made a typo though haha. YouTube - Noctilucemt map preveiw Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Days 5-7
To me the name is a little much. i know im a junior in highschool and i have no idea what that means. im not saying everyone doesn't, but a lot of the time simple, easy to understand (and pronounce) names are the best.
Nice map so far, I was wondering if you would be bothered if I use your arch aesthetic platform thing? I have a great idea for it, just asking incase you get annoyed with me using it
I don't mind but please don't just mirror image it, if you know what I mean. Like don't make the exact same platform make it a little more unique, you know?
I like this so far. It reminds me of Lockout/Blackout with the angles of the walls and the two blocks on the side of the walkway. Keep it up with this same style and it should be a great map. P.S. - the name is a little too.....lets say..extinsive. Make it simple. You know so people can remember it.
This looks great so far. It's unique in layout and aesthetics. As for the columns, keep them. It adds a little difference to the map then just stone here, stone there.
Hey Shea this is looking great and i really like it! Good choice keeping the columns and i love the main floor. I think that you do need a name change, like some others said to make it be easily remembered and i think noctilucent is not really that sorry. But yeh great map so far keep it up
Thank you all for the comments, I'm almost ready to begin the second story of the map in the bases. TFx KiLl3r, would you like to help me with the second floor?
Hey man, im so pleased you asked me but im not much of a co-forger, sorry but thanks for the offer. Anyway this map is turning out really good, looking forward to the finished product.