That...thing next to the front left wheel is hidious. Get rid of it. And theres a small blotch of brown **** at the back. get rid of it. now. Other than that, nice job.
Wow. Amazing. This is your best work yet man! I love it. The stock choice is very smart and the 'pixie dust' effect or whatever looks awesome. Please tell me how you did that... There's nothing to complain about the border, and the text is okay but could have been better. GREAT job man!
Ill be waiting for that tut too It looks good, and seems as if it would really make my work look better. Great find man. Photoshizzle?
meh. first tut ever. Enjoy Incase you can't read the adjustment layers bit: Orange Photo filter-normal 100% Exposure: Gamma: 0.73 Offset: 0.0882 Exposure: +0.39-normal 100% Messed with hue/saturation-brought out colours till something I liked-lighten 100% Then used selective colour, white, yellow increased, everything else decreased to bring out light and headlights-Erase over everything but headlights-normal 100% Pre-made purple to orange gradient map-soft light 65% Pre-made red to green gradient map, erased ugliness-soft light 65% Black to white gradient map to bring out light and dark-Luminosity 100%
Yeah, I use Photoshop. Nice tut man! *Analyzing now...* I hope this will help me in my upcoming sigs! Great job man.