I just recently made a rocket racing map made in the main area of Sandbox which actually took me a while and i feel quite proud of it. I made the map with guardians on meaning you cannot leave and run around driving in the desert. I played it with friends and gameplay was really fun and great, so great that i was thinking of making another rocket racing map. I was thinking of making this map with guardians off so that i can make VIP points way out in the desert for more open gameplay... But when playing my original map i found that more enclosed gameplay was quite fun. I just want advice from you, Forge Hub, on how you think i should make it. Cuz im confused >.<. Oh yea if you want to see my map, here is the link. HERE
that would be cool if you made it more wide open using the whole of sandbox, but I think Its been done before. It would be sweet if you added some jumps out in the desert areas where you actually had to jump into the vip point (maybe even rocket jumping AKA lord mongoosing).
I'm in the process of making a rocket race map myself, well, it's actually finished, I'm just waiting to test and post it. But yeah I used the entire map, guardians off. As for my destinations and stuff: I have one section you have to go off a ramp, and through a ring made of arches. I have a giant pyramid in the middle which uses like 1/3 of the non-guardian area. There's one where you have to drive off the crown (my callout for the largest hill in the non-guardian area) into the destination. And one or two that require rocket jumps. One thing I have to say if you decide to use the guardians, is don't make it feel empty. Even for your destinations just on the ground, add some structures to identify it instead of just having a random destination. I think I have like 17-20 different structures in the guardian area alone (even though only 11 house destinations), none of them are probably bigger than 6x6 grid squares, but they do fill up the space. And if you do decide to use the guardian area, try to use the terrain to your advantage, know what hills you can and can't climb. When you build something by a hill, know where the blind spots are when trying to get to that structure. (in other words, spots where you can't see the structure until you climb over the hill, which usually ends up in a collision), But then again remember that the destinations have waypoints, which you could use to avoid or lure people into those blind spots. Also since my map was primarily built for a different gametype, It's compatible for up to 8 teams in RR, which with sandbox's huge playing area, is a ton of fun, and my friends love it. But I would suggest using the guardian area, you have a TON more space there, and there are endless things you can do with all that space.
Yea i know that was what i was thinking. But since my rocket racing map with guardians on worked out so well, i just dont know what to do.
I'm working on a Rocket Race map right now actually and it's in the testing stages. I have the guardians on for now, but I may block them. If you like Sandtrap style Rocket Racing, you should keep the guardians on. If not, turn them off. This is what I did: Spoiler