In this thread, please disscuss all that you have to say of the SOTW contest, To reduce the spam in the voting and submission thread. Also discuss Some new topic ideas, etc. I will be posting updates in this thread instead of the thread i currently have up for the Sub/Vote Thread. Discuss. Update 25/7 UPDATE; I felt like you guys were doing this for nothing, So I spoke to shock and now, If you win SOTW Three times in a row, You get a mention in the next site update on the front page, Not a major prize, But its something worth going for.. Update 01/9 Update; Absolutly NO Spam will be tolerated in the voting/submission thread.
I feel we should do screenshots with different color themes and schemes, instead of crap like rockets, warthogs, killballs, stupid **** like that.
Then how could you judge a sniper effects shot to a Spartan with a spiker from his balls? I respect your opinion, but I don't agree.
Yes, i was thinking, "Anything" would be a good topic for a week, btw, change your avy back Your supposed to discuss it here, the next submission thread will be on friday.
i think the contest should be most unique. not some pictures that have tons of colors or pictures that spell out something. you should make it where its something you think no one else will have or ever get. not so much style but random pictures that catch people attention. not some dumb colorful ones that everyone makes everyone should vote for me. =]
I dont pick the winner, people from the community vote, and thats how i get the winners, Also, Gongrats to Leeumm for winning.
Donii, put the winners' screenshot in a spoiler and put the week they won it. Like you see week#1 then leeumms picture. Just to honor all the winners yet to come.
Im going to keep it the way it is. just the previous winner.. I think oyu want people to just see your name if you win lol.
Can we have a "No effects" theme or a "Funny" theme. I personally hate all these stupid, unoriginal screenshots that seem to be "cool" nowadays.
So we may discuss themes and such eh? Ok,for next weeks theme how about Scenery? AKA Mountains,space,trees,and so on.So yeah.
All the themes are good, lets just wait for this week to be over, and Silva sniper, DONT put anything but your submission in the thread.
No! a contest but it has to be created before the contest is open. Exemple. Contest: Rocket launcher on isolation starts on 06.30.2009 all the shots has to be created before 06.30.2009 So everyone will work hard to do the shots.
A link to the file on, obviously. I think it should be a requirement to post a link to the file on when entering a screenshot in any contest, just to verify who made it and the date, etc.
Or a link to your page. I don't have enough room for my crap half the time, anyways.
Suggestions - Vehicles - Specific Map - Weapon Art - Explosions - Fails - Silhouette - Elites - Owned - Group - Night