SmallSkirts is based off of the building with the turret at the beginning part of Outskirts. There are a total of Three bases. However, there are major differences as things have to be adjusted to a small map, budget, MP, and just being a different game. All Gametypes work. There are Many SMGs, Plasma Rifles, Battle Rifles, and Caribines on the map. As will as 3 snipers, a few needlers, plasma pistols, a shotgun, and a hammer. Equipment: two Grav Lifts, a bubble shield, a Deployable cover, and a Trip Mine. Vehicles: Wraith, Two mongoose, a Ghost, and a Warthog. Not much else to say other than to play it yourself. [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] DOWNLOAD Slot 6:
woah thats so cool that was one of my favorite parts of halo 2 the rest of the campaign pretty much sucked good job did you put the stairs going to the roof?
I used a ramp, so you could gp under it like in H2. And I only put the one on the right side. Since the left one was rarely used and there wouldnt b enough room for it.
if you mean the one by the entrance I agree I havent played that map in over a year but I do remember never using that set of stairs you should have a spawn on the roof across from the base with a sniper like when you play on the harder modes
I already simulated when of the Jackal Snipers. Yeah, I posted this here first though. Lol. I'm also going to cop+pasta this from Halomods:
wow it looks like you got everything this looks hella cool maybe you should make a couple hornets or banshees spawn 3 minutes in to simulate the phantom jk that might be a little silly