I was playing GTA 4 the other day, and I noticed that GTA 3 started with liberty city also...then I thought "WHAT IF THE NEXT GAME IS SET IN VICE CITY!?!?!" Which would be epic by the way, because I was thinking how much better GTA 3: Vice City could've been when I first played GTA 4 and compared it to other games. And if Rockstar continues with the trend, they would make a GTA 4: San Andreas (or one of the other cities in that game) and it would be more awesome because of the airplanes and open world and all that ****. I was just thinking how awesome that was. I'm not saying you have to play as Niko Bellic in all these games, but different people, like a hitman from Florida, or some Mexican drug dealer in the ghetto or something. Also, Rockstar announced the new 'episode' of GTA4. Its called "The Ballad of Gay Tony." And you play this Puerto Rican guy. If Rockstar announced they wouldn't be remaking the cities already, then screw me.
There's apparently going to be 2 more DLC episodes coming out next year. Wonder how those will turn out to be. I personaally liked San Andreas the best, mainly because of the amount of stuff you could do, and all the cheats,the massive map, ect ect. Hopefully for a GTA 5 they'll release something more like that..
Yeah I was thinking that too. It was mentioned a few times in the game. I only play GTA 4, Vice city, and stories for the PSP. Vice City is a awesome city, they should make it have more skyscrapers though than it would be great. And for their next game, how bout we have fun side missions to do and awesome weapons and vehicles. By that I mean not go bowling but driveby's, takeover, or whatever would be fun, tanks, jets, flamethrowers, miniguns, all the good ****.
Anybody else really let down about the next DLC "The Ballad of Gay Tony"? Sounds... very not hardcore GTA if you know what I mean.
You do know that Liberty city was around before GTA3? Rockstar reuses city names over and over. If I recall correctly, GTA 1 was set in San Andreas with all the cities. Right... The Ballad of Gay Tony sounds absolutly hilarious. I can just imagine the lines in rampages...
No, you play the guy that was talking to the guy with the gun in the bank robbery mission "Three Leaf Clover" or something. He's Puerto Rican I think. Gay Tony is like a drug lord that runs clubs or something.