ya something like this happened in canada the kid liked cod 4 alot (who doesn't) and his parrents took it away from him and he kind of lost touch with reality he though he was actually someone from the game (think it was soap) and ran aay and they found him later, he had died from starvation... as for this sounds like the kid was mlg, but in all seriuosness this definetly is not the games fault there is way more gorey, violent games out there, there was definelty something wrong with him.
omg! i loled at the whole thing (until the kid died of coarse). that would be wierd to see him and be like: " hey i'm mavrick what's your name?" "I'm Soap MacTavish, and i'm an SAS agent."
Regardless of how it happened, it was still murder. This could have been triggered by any game and Halo 3's reputation shouldn't suffer as a consequence. I wonder how over-protective parents react? What if they take their kids' halo copies away? :S Really they should just hold him until he's old enough to receive the death penalty.
Video games are just taking all the heat cause they're an easy target. In the 70's and 80's people said the same things about rock music for God's sake. The fact of the matter is, violent games do NOT make violent people: however, violent people may be attracted to these games. Either way, it is completely ridiculous to blame the games themselves. As for the teen, claiming it was the game's fault was the easy way out for him.
Yeah they don't know what they're talking about. Your parents don't like the game? Don't let them buy it! Anybody ever think about that?!