Sandbox Sandbox (race)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Xang, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hi and welocme to my first mongoose racing map. If you dont know what this is its a rocket racing map. I know what your thinking "rocket racing is soooo boring" well this one isnt. Many hours of work has gone into this map along with a good hour or two of testing. The map is in the main area of Sandbox containing starting points for 4 teams of two along with 8 VIP spots in which you must race to.​

    Not familiar with Rocket Racing?

    Rocket racing is a VIP racing map containing 4 teams of 2. All teams are equiped with mongooses, these will serve as transportation for the teams. On each team, one person with be the VIP, the other will not. The job for the non-VIP is to drive his VIP to the destinations before anyone else. The job for the VIP is to stay on the mongoose and make sure nobody gets to the destinations other then you! This is were rockets come in. All players will be equiped with rockets, the rockets main purpose is to knock down the other players and get them out of your way! The game sounds simple but rockets can be used for more then just shooting oponents, you can also you the rockets to better help you and your partner get to the destinations. Thats the basic concept of the game, oh yea, 10 points to win ^^.​

    Now that i have cleared up the basic description of the game, onto the map. Unlike other boring rocket racing maps in matckmaking, this map contains turns, jumps, ramps and explosions like you have never seen before.​

    Strategies for the Map
    Due to the fact that most rocket racing map are on very, very big maps, i really had to think about what i was forging. I made some parts on the map more open then other, mainly for stradegies. One of the main stradegies that me and my friend like to use is the classic "rocket boost" This will help alot, but you need to be in the right place and shoot at the right time. If you dont know how to do this, just get you VIP partner to look down when you are driving, then just tell them to shoot the rocket, and you go flying, just hope you stick the landing. Another great way to get around is by the objects around you. On the map you will notice there being ramps, shield doors, etc. You can really use there for a good speed up or boost to get ahead of you opponent.​

    Too bad words can only explain so much... Which is why i will move on to the pics!​


    An overview of the map.
    A second view of the map
    Like a said, this map has some pretty cool stuff, such as this.
    Center VIP point. This is where everyone will be racing to at the start of the game.
    Another cool looking parts of the map, the shield doors here can really give you a boost.
    All four starting points for the teams are around the side of the map.

    Action Shots:

    Almost there!
    Get Them!
    Uh oh...
    We got this.
    Hello! >.>

    Thats it for the pics. If you want to give the map a spin and download the map and gametype are below.​


    #1 Xang, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  2. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    This is an epic win rocket race map, but it should be postd in the racing section instead, if u intend for this to be a rocket race map, anyways, i like what you did with the ramps and all the merged blocks to help add aesthetics to the map, that seem to probably have a positive impact on the gameplay.

    4.25/5, nice RR

    FIRST POST!!!1111!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!!!111!
    #2 R0FLninja, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2009
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Yea i i realized i posted this here right after i posted >.< Can mods move this to race section?
    #3 Xang, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2009
  4. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    ok first i would like to say this better be recognized by bungie and put in the next double exp weeked of rocket race. the only flaw with this map is a bad name lol. other than that it seems like a huge skatepark and i like how u made the halfpipe and ramps and boxes and ridges and stuff. lastly the starting points are interesting put funny people like me will go and spawn kill because the spawn points are marked. lololololol but overall nice forging
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    lol, yea i know the name is a bit different. But you know how all rocket racing maps are just the default name with (race) at the end... I just decided to do this since its like that on matchmaking... Plus, i am awful at naming stuff..
  6. phd lolz

    phd lolz Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks really good. I'm most impressed by the quarterpipe type thing, looks pretty awesome and fun. I also like the "ruins" geomerged into the dunes, they add a lot more to the map.
  7. IILilNinjiII

    IILilNinjiII Ancient
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    Lol thats me on the back of silvers mongoose rofl xD i fails at rocket boosting. lol. Any way silver the map is really neat and nice but you added too much repetition on some of the thingslike the little Arch you go under ( you have like 3 of those) also You should have took seperate screenshot for each place.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Ya you do fail at rocket boosting...And i didnt ake screenshots of every jump seperatly because it pretty pointless when overview and action pics says it all.
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Nice map! the structures are incredibly interesting. The map looks a tiny bit cramped, but its fine. I see a feature for this map. I would change the map though, its unoriginal. I am aware that all rocket race maps are just the name with "(race)" next to them, but this isnt regular Sandbox, so it doesnt really fit.

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