So what do you guys think? I'm pretty proud of my skyjacker medal. EDIT: Silly me forgot direct link...
KD rate could be better....Although i can't say much, I haven't even played 100 ranked matches yet. Nice amount of sniping (>50% headshots) and an overkill. You got most I'd ever want to accomplish :O
your k/d is pretty bad and you dont even have a running riot. if you are having trouble with your first few matches of the day you should try warming up in social slayer or something. overall, though, you are pretty good for a forger b/c these guys are kinda bad when it comes to killing. all they are good for is making it more fun to kill. also look at my map.
our medals are practically the same, excpet for the k/d mine is horrible, i'm improving it though... it's still below 1 though so, got a lot of ground to make up for btw, i rated your stats ''good''
your good, you have more kills thn me but i have better k/d (1.11) and how the hell did you get so many exterminations!?!?!?!
my god, RY must be like jesus or something, and sorry i was wrong those weren't exterminations there some objective game thingy so your as good as me i'd say
well either way your an amazing player there is no doubt about that and, i mean, A TRAFFIC CONE!?!?!?!?!
Look at my signature. I got that kill a few days ago, it was on The Pit when I was 'nading their side going for camo at the begining. I wanted to go back and film it but I forgot about it.
rejecting you, u dont even have that many sticks. otherwise u r around my skill level, my stats dont look that good b/c i was terrible when i first started playing.
The OP is a little over average IMO. Insane, I would like to play you sometime in MLG. My stats are a little misleading; I got my 50 on a monthly account. In the 1v1 tourney, I had a really tough draw with WhyAmISoGood in tier 4. It didn't help that the map didn't have a sniper (best weapon) and only a few BRs at the very top (second best weapon). It was the one aerial map, and I sucked it up. I was so concentrated on getting to the top to the BR (I suck at jumping) that I just got Plasma Pistoled or Brute Shotted. It didn't help that I hadn't played a game since the tier before. If only my Xbox wasn't in the shop, I could get some games in on the MLG playlist. I am missing the release of the playlist and the map pack because of stupid Microsoft.
yea, that stinks. my xbox was out the whole last summer and the summer before that. so i have never gotten to play without school hanging over my head.