Sandbox SwitchesThese are two pretty simple switches I built, since I've hit a dry spot with my in-progress maps. Pay attention so I dont have to explain my self again XD. Pressure SwitchA basic pressure switch, really the only twist to it being the fact that its on sandbox (which lacks immovable objects). Here's how it works: [/URL] (Note: the weapons are just bait to draw attention.) Once the victim steps on the small blocks, they send a pressure wave through the damaged columns, pushind the upright damaged columns which are positioned in front of man cannons (or as the dumbasses call them, "cannon men." XD ). [/URL] Then the columns are projected towards the unsuspecting victim like so: [/URL] Final Result: [/URL] This one could also be reverse-engineered to make a door close behind the victim and trap them instead of killing them. Minefield:My favorite of the two. This time there are weapons used as bait, (the flamethrower, shotgun, and rocket launcher), and two weapons that help in the mechanics (the energy sword and sniper rifle). [/URL] (Ten seconds in, the man cannon and double block spawn.) [/URL] When the double block is covering the fusion coils, the two golf balls stick out slightly. When one steps on the golf balls, they too send a pressure wave through the energy sword, and into the damaged column. [/URL] The damaged column then sends a pressure wave through the pallets, through the sniper rifle, and into the fusion coil, which will be in front of a man cannon. [/URL] The fusion coil then hits the double block, causing the other fusion coils (and golf balls) to rise. Final Result: [/URL] Download Here
WOW awesome switches, I actually used the first one for fun, it was a little pointless for the map and it was in foundry, great idea using weapons
Ha, thanks for the comments guys, appreciate it, just be sure to give me credit if it's used in a map! *laughs whole-hearted jolly laugh that is creepy, yet joyous* lol EDIT: I meant if the map is literally used for your map.
The first one I've seen a lot on Foundry and is simple to make. I give you credit for making it on Sandbox, though. The second one though, wow! That's very creative and I'd definitely use that in a map. Did you come up with that idea or did someone else do it already?
These are more like traps and less like switches and, well, there is moveable objects on sandbox. However that second trap you have there is just brilliant.
ya i saw this on youtube!!! amazing.. btw wen u step on those block smalls, how does it trigger the man cannon?
When u step on the small blocks, they shift and touch the damaged column piecies that line the bottom. The damaged column pieces also shift and touch the upright damaged columns which also shift. Since they have shifted they get pushed by the man cannon. Heres a diagram: > = man cannon ~ = pressure wave _ = side ways damaged column | = upright damaged column * = small block >|| _ _ _ _ _ _ * After some one steps on the small block: >~|| ~ _~_~_~_~_~* Do you get it now? I didnt do the best job explaining it so if you still dont get it then some one else should reply lol. P.S. I didnt post this on youtube, but there are tons just like the first one, so it probably seemed similar to mine. Can I have a link to the video? Yeah as I said, the first one is pretty basic. The second one was a long process of trial-and-error. At first it was total falure. After studying many switches, and more trial-and-error, I added some golf balls, pallets and weapons and got this. I have seen slightly similar traps, I just improved it.
these switches are amazing i wouldve never thought of these. i mean switches like a simple door or a complicated elevator but a mine field and a splattering trp thingy is awesome. nice use of pressure switches and nice forging. another thing id like to add is that you should definately make a competetive or infection map using these switches because that would just be insane.
How is one supposed to use these in a map? They're extremely creative. I don't even know how you figured out this stuff. Good job. And espescially good job if anyone can use this inside a map. I would dl that map 100%.