Heroic DLC Vespiary

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DMM White, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    By David White

    Recommended Players: 2 - 10
    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, Territories


    A buzz of activity fills these corridors and chambers. 2-10 players

    WTF? This isn't Sandbox! This isn't even Foundry! Dum map sux -9087389/10

    Thats right, folks, the Heroic Map Pack has been out for so long we could start calling it 'old'. So here's an old trick for that old dog, blocking of the outer track on Rat's Nest and making a map inside the UNSC base.

    Actually, although its a pretty obvious idea, there aren't many maps which actually use it. Just a quick search of "Rat's Nest" in the posted maps category and there really aren't that many Rat's Nest maps at all. I guess I'm just used to the flood of Foundry and Sandbox maps.

    Anyway! That matters not, for I bring you: Vespiary - Nest of the Wasps!

    Vespiary is a symmetrical, close quarters map, built inside Rat's Nest with the outer track cut off. I used a number of methods to block the door ways, all of which prevent players and objective items from leaving the map.

    There isn't too much to say about the layout other than it is inside Rat's Nest. See below for detailed descriptions with the screenshots.


    Inside each base:

    • Battle Rifle
    • Assault Rifle
    • Mauler
    • 2 Plasma Grenades
    • 2 Frag Grenades
    Room just outside each base:

    • 2 Spikers
    • SMG
    • Battle Rifle
    • Brute Shot
    • Plasma Pistol
    • 2 Frag Grenades
    • Regenerator
    • Overshield
    The Central Chamber:

    • 2 Maulers
    • Spartan Laser (Top Platform)
    • Shotgun (Mid Bridge)
    • 2 Plasma Rifles (Man Cannon Platform)
    • Power Drain
    • 2 Plasma Grenades (Below Mid Bridge)
    -- Screenshots --

    Most of the screenshots are of jsut 1 side, its a symmetrical map, its the same on the other side.


    The Overshield can be found just out side the base but to stop players nabbing it as soon as they come out the base (or stop players getting it just as the go in to attack), there are braced barriers. They have been positioned as a partition on that platform. They can be destroyed but are on a quick respawn time. Its easier to just jump up on to the crate than try to sneak through the barriers.


    The OS and Regenerator - they're so close but yet so far.


    The Power Drain and 2 Plasma Grenades can be found under Mid Bridge, On the left of the screenshot you can see the end of the ramp which takes you up to the Top Platform (Laser Spawn)


    Top Platform - Laser Spawn. Accesible via the ramps, the pipes and crates beside the ramps and also the man cannon on the other side of the ramp. You'll also find 2 maulers here.
    This is also the location of one of the territories and hills. It'll get pretty hectic.


    Looking up to the Laser Spawn from the Man Cannon Platform. The Man Cannon will fire you all the way across the chamber or, if you prefer, on to one of the ledges on the columns either side of Mid Bridge.


    Underneath Man Cannon Platform you can see one technique used for blocking the door ways. The Double Box blocks most of the gap, stopping players, and the Shield Door stops grenades getting out.


    This is a similar technique. The man cannons stop players and the shield doors stop everything else. In this corridor you'll find and SMG and a teleporter to take you inside the base (like Avalanche).


    Grabbing the flag using the teleporter isn't simply teleport-grab-walk back-teleport. Having the node up on the platform gives the team a chance to stop the flag carrier before he leaves the Flaf Room.
    You'll also see the final method to stop people getting out, bridges simply gemerged with the door way. Well, "simply". Its not so simple on Rat's Nest!

  2. Taco Slay3r

    Taco Slay3r Ancient
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    I love how u blocked off the outsides and ive seen some bad attempts at making a map like this, and this isn't one of them its great!
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    heh flaf room, that sounds dirty.ive made a map like this b4 and it's really difficult to block everything off like that, and it looks liek you put some thought into the layout and weapons.
    looks realy good so im gonna dl it.
  4. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Awww, I was making a map exactly like this... Yours looks better though. One thing I'd change is to move the teleporter in the base outside inclosed in a box. I'll download and try to get back to you later. Keep up the great forging!
  5. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Move the teleporter in the base outside the base? That would rather defeat the point of the teleporters.

    If each room is given a number from 1 to 5, 1 and 5 being the bases and 3 being the central chamber, then there are only 2 doors to get from 1 to 2 and 4 to 5. If I had more objects then I'd leave the corridor with the teleporter unblocked and connect it with the base's back door and remove the teleporters.

    The teleporters allow for players to attack from multiple directions, like in KotH when the hill is at 2 or 4, players can attack from 3 or go through the teleporter and come up of the base to attack from behind.

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