DesertCanyon V3 (Created by the DoG Forge Team) Gametypes Supported: Capture the Flag, Slayer, Assault, King of the Hill, Oddball, and Territories Download Here: Max players: 16 Recommended players: 8 - 16 Recommended gametypes: Anything Team related Map Description: This is the first official map of the DoG Forge Team (DoG = Disciples of Gaming). Although not entirely perfect or completely playtested, DesertCanyon V3 is the begining of a team effort to build quality maps. Started off as a Team Snipers map, and turned out to be an excellent well rounded Team gametype map. Versions 1 and 2 included the sky bubble and the crypt, but both were taken out for more budget and functionality. Weapons/Vehicles/Equipment Assault Rifles: 4 Battle Rifles: 6 Covenant Carbines: 4 Shotguns: 1 Sniper Rifles: 2 SMGs: 4 Spikers: 4 Magnums: 4 Needlers: 2 Brute Shots: 2 Rocket Launchers: 2 Spartan Lasers: 1 Maulers: 4 Machine Gun Turrets: 1 Missle Pods: 2 Choppers: 2 Ghosts: 1 Warthog: 2 Mongooses: 4 Frag Grenades: 12 Plasma Grenades: 12 Spike Grenades: 8 Bubble Shields: 2 Power Drains: 2 Trip Mines: 2 Regenerators: 2 Overshields: 1 Active Camo: 1 Respawn Points: 58 Preview Pictures:
Welcome to forge hub. The map is pretty good, some solid interlocking and a good spread of weapons and vehicles. I can't see any flaws in the map so far and I think it will be played for a long time because it supports all the base games and can't be broken in any way. Well done 5/5.
Thanks for the welcome and for the 5/5. We spent quite a bit tweeking the weapon placement and equipment placement. The vehicle placement came naturaly because of the way the map was built. I would also agree that it would be played for a while because of its functionality for the more common gametypes. Thanks again, and I invite anyone else who has read this thread or looked at this map to give a review.
It is aestheticly pleasing but lacks cover in some places. Still, very fun looking and no major flaws! 4/5
Yes we tried our best to make it appealing to the eye and succeeded, but as you've said it lacks cover in areas. There is still about $170 budget left, but the object limit is almost reached. Soon we will make changes and provide cover for those areas to compensate. Thanks for another great review! I've seen many views of this topic but not many downloads. I am hoping that we can find some playtesters that are willing to help us out with the tweaking of this map, so a simple download and a custom game or two would be greatly appreciated.
I'm a member if the DoG Forge Team, and I'd like to know the best places to add cover for this map. There are a couple of ideas we have already, be we need someone elses opinion. There's also some obvious callouts I've came up with. Red base, blue base, OS side, Camo side, turret area, shotgun spawn, laser spawn, red sniper, and blue sniper.