MLG defilement

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by deathangle, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    MLG Defilement

    MLG Defilement is all about controlling the vantage points controlling key vantage points will help u win the game but dont think it will be easy its gonna be a battle for them ​

    pics my favorit​

    veiw of defender base from low front
    view of side bunker 1
    view of side bunker 2​

    pic not accuret lazer shotgun and assualt rifle removed to meet mlg standerds replaced with mualer carbiens and a rocket
    weapon list
    3 battle rifles spawn 30
    6 carbiens spawn 30
    3 maulers spawn 60
    1 sniper rifle spawn 150
    1 rocket launcher spawn 150

    Eq list please remove eq from map if u play mlg game type
    1 bubble shield spawn 60
    1 powerdrain spawn 60


    4 frag gernades spawn 10
    6 plasma gernades spawn 10

    recommed gametype
    MLG team slayer

    as brute captian surgested im gonna farther explain my map. The thing that makes this map tick is that it offers cover from some where while leaving u open from some where else. There are only two places that u can get complete cover ,and they are the bases the bases have 3 parts

    the floor level which is just a completely coverd area for spawnig

    the second level offer a cave in the back mainly for objective game types has a shiel door in front that prevents spawn raping a side with cover one it that will cover from attack below but leaves u vunarable to attacks from above and finally

    the top storie is two vertical double box linked by a double wall that provides a good vantage to help cover teamates as the cross the map it has two cover points made of wall corners.
    thier are the mini pyiramids they have one cover point which is a interlocked single box protuding though the center it and is the main route to the endowment if heat gets to heavy thier is a drop spot where u can seek shelter behind a corner wall.
    the pyrimids are only accesable from the inside this prevents people from running up on you but watch out for jumpers the can land right in front of you and shoot u down.

    the side bunker 1 is accesibale from both sides has a carbien and is a vantage point benath bunker 1 is a room sealed of with fence walls that has rockets in it but is only on way in one way out and its the stairs i walled them of to create a stair tunnle so u cant jump out of it

    the side bunker 2 can only be reached for the endowment which is acceasble from the mini pyrimads and has a sniper at its tip itd the same as the other one except it has one way up and a outside platform to move around on
    #1 deathangle, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  2. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    let me know what ya think pretty good for my first map ps i looked at ur guys stuff and its awsome so give mine a chance
    #2 deathangle, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2008
  3. General Meaty

    General Meaty Ancient
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    Hey Deathangle. I really like your map, but I don't believe it's a "MLG" kind of map. Most MLG maps do not have the area of the map that is best to control. They like to have their maps symmetrical, and well this isn't or at least in pictures it doesn't look like it. So keep forging. Great TS map though.
  4. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    General: Go here

    Geometric symmetry has little to do with it; i.e. inclusion of Guardian
  5. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    it not about one point each point gives u spefic vantages need to take out people at certian areas so take one place allows u to get vantage on some who is over here or over there
  6. Defiler47

    Defiler47 Ancient
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    Very well made map beside the point that you stole my map name!!! It was my first forgehub map as well lol. I will DL. but it will be called Defilement001 to me... and I thought my name was so original.

    But anyways, I appreciate you naming your map after me!

    EDIT: Your middle structure also reminds me alot of my other map Devastation. LOL!
    #6 Defiler47, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  7. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    You didn't tell me about this map.. the pics don't offer much though. Maybe add more pictures so I can understand this map more.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    the interlocking locks a little sloppy i would try to fix that up to make it neater and run smoother
  9. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    The interlocking looks fine.
  10. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    i have more pics but i will only let me post 4 of them i have 4 more but cant place them sorry
  11. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    What WhiteLime thinks

    I think that this looks like a very well thought out map and it looks like it has been executed well. I like the look of your middle structure and the look of your base from the inside. i think the interlocking has made this map alot cleaner. Overall this looks brilliant. But i'm wondering if this would play better if it wasn't a MLG based map:confused:
  12. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    I like the look of this so I've queued it.

    However, it's not an MLG map. I can see shield doors on one screenshot and there's equipment in the description. You also note one area that is only accessible from one direction. None of these things appear in MLG maps.

    I understand that you said to remove the equipment for MLG gametypes but why put them in in the first place if you designed this map to be for MLG games?

    I don't understand what you mean about spawn raping around the flag. If this is a problem, how does the shield door solve it? For an MLG game, rather than place a shield door (which gives the flag carrier an instant advantage) I think you should consider moving where the flag is located to redress the balance.

    That it's asymmetrical and has been designed for a set up is of course forgivable, but there should be multiple set ups (for the Guardian example above, setting up at snipe tower/green vs setting up at blue room/gold) possible.

    It looks like a good map (possibly for a team tower of power variant) but to be an MLG map these points would need addressing.

    I'm still DLing, though ;)
  13. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    i know it made but when i play with my buddie we usally play mlg slayer and they liked the idea of the eq being there it makes the map better and plus im completely unaware of what mlg standers are i have the weapons right but i not aware of what eq they use but if some would make a list on this site so people know what they need to do to make it mlg standerd i would appriecate it.

    the shield door is placed so that people rushing in will have to turn around to fight the barriers make it so u can hide and wait for them to rush and its not the only way in to the base thier are at least 3 other ways that are alot better the shield door prevent u from being in the open when u spawn thus providing a completely covered base area
    as for the place with only one way up thier are two other way u have to crouch jump off of the higher of the two walls sticking out of the box not the beat way up but i was low on cash and a more solid way up would of been impossible due to i had like 30points left

    thanks for the advice i alway like it when some try to help you out instead of saying ur map sucks
    #13 deathangle, Apr 3, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  14. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    i have a non mlg variant that me and my buddies play from time 2 time it has a laser and shotgun on it and some of the carbiens are switched out with other guns cant think of em off the top of my head
  15. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    GAWD!!! The spelling and grammer hurt so much! I dled this and went through it last night. Its good. A person with snipe certainly has an overbearing advantage, however.
  16. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    trust me i cant spell i misspelled cat on my first grade spelling test
    but on anouther note i can read at a college level

    ya the the snipe is pretty dominate on this map but it place square top center an plus if a guys waiting at the base ontop and see you out there will have problem but let me ask u a question should i put in two snipes one at each base or just leave it alone

    JASONYO Ancient
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    y is it mlg r u just saying use mlg settings or am i gonna c this pop up in their hopper
  18. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    no it wont be in the hopper although i would be honered if they did no i dont really no what mlg standers are i played it online and made a map i though would go good with the game type
  19. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    My eyes are bleeding from the grammar! Ah!

    Otherwise, nice map deathangle!
  20. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    thanks i i dont know i thought my map was good but looking around here i can tell it really aint nothing special i just want to make somthing that people will like but i can see that i wont be easy with the number of maps posted and the level of skill everyone distrubes not to mention they put alot more time than im willing to into thier maps

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