Forge: The Game (AKA Ideas we know won't happen, but it would be cool)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by redearth, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    This thread is to clean all the constant clutter of people saying wouldn't it be cool if Bungie added this to forge. It's also our wishlist for Reach. So if you guys wanna post an idea about what would make forge better, post in here. Don't spam up the forge discussion with threads.

    1. Designable objects.
    2. Unlimited budget.
    3. Unlimited space.
    4. Designable skyboxes.
    5. Editable terrain, shape, size, and color.
    6. The long fabled undo button.
    7. Designable equipment and weapons.
    8. Object attributes, like gravity.
    9. Constraints of where an object can move.
    10. AI and designable characters.
    11. A switch allowing no physics for easy geomerging and easy interlocking.
    12. Switches, like for doors.
    13. Editable size of map, such as ceiling and length and width.
    14. Fake scenery, aka the objects you can go through once broken out of the map, because they are not solid.
    15. The option to turn a movable object immovable and vice versa.
    16. Placeable light sources.
    17. Sounds
    18. Water
    19. Invisible Walls
    20. Death Barriers
    21. Real grass (Not the golf cup crap. Let us drive on the grass why don'tcha!
    22. No object limit
    23. Large sphere objects.
    24. Man cannon options(power, resistance)
    25. X,y,z grid cooridnate options.
    26. Tools common to gary's mod. Joint maker, rope, wiring for buttons,individual light fixtures.
    27. Anything a modder can already do.
    28. Fire

    I can only remember so much at one time, but I know there are more things people whine about. Anyone care to add onto the list?
    #1 redearth, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2009
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I actually like this thread, good idea if it works.

    17. Sounds
    18. Water
    19. Invisible Walls
    20. Death Barriers
  3. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    21.real grass. object limit
    Not the bottom of the tin cup. I mean conform to shape Grass. That would be BA
    #3 2woFace, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2009
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    There has already been so many of these threads. However, I think that the only reason halo forge is popular, is BECAUSE they limit your rescources. That makes it surprising when you see a really cool looking map. Think about it, if it wasnt difficult to geomerge, would you really care if a map had it or not?
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    No, but it limits creativity at the same time. I'm giving into the idea of it's better to have the ability to create, than the honor gained from doing the techniques. And will any other members back me up on they would rather have the easy perfect geomerge than the honor of the near perfect?
  6. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    Wow, that made more sense then switching to GEICO. And now that you say that yeah. I remeber when I used to make maps for counter strike less thought was put into it and most of the community were people who didn't have enough experience to create a map that played well.

    Think about it. Just to be able to build the simplest thing you need to almost master the game controls, exploits, glitches, and tricks. By the time you get around to makeing good looking maps youv'e had enough time to think about the dynamics of the map. And since it is such a big deal to make a map we craft them to perfection.

    I just think I had one of those wierd realasations like at the end of a South Park episode.
  7. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    So those who are honored, really are 100% the best. Not for mastering some tricks, for mastering creativity.

    But let's leave these conversation and get back on topic, shall we?

    23. Large sphere objects.

    As amazing as no boundries period would be, I do have to be somewhat realistic and add what is more likely to be added, and we would enjoy.
  8. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    24.Man cannon options(power, resistance)
    25.x,y,z grid cooridnate options. common to gary's mod. Joint maker, rope, wireing for buttons,individual light fixtures.
  9. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    a terrain tools similear to that of fc2(i haven't played the game, but i heard it works well)
  10. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    27. The possibilities, a modder has... (When I say modder, I say a real modder with a devkit).

    28. Fire
  11. halo2 fan345

    halo2 fan345 Ancient
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    The option to place an object at 90 degrees, with the simple click of a button.
  12. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    ^ Perfect, but like a 360 Navigator kind of thing, like a compass shows up when you press X three times and you could move it just anywhere you'd like in a 360 degree angle. With the help of the compass to make it exactly where you want it.

    29. Copy / Paste, for those who can never get something the same (I.E. me)
    30. A "Ghost" of the object whose option is to "Place at Start : No" for easier Interlocking.
    #12 Gr4phix, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Quite a good idea for a thread. I wouldn't mind if Bungie split off a small team after Reach and made a full on Level Editor for a Halo multiplayer game. That or if Valve included the Source SDK with the Orange Box as a download.
  14. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    i see where your from here with this list. if bungie decided to make forge better dont you think it would be better on the halo 3 game from the 360 or better if they made a completely new and possibly better versoin of forge with all the stuff on that list there and more for the PC? just a random question
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Both. If you could make maps in a new disced Forge game, and export it to Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, etc, then it would be beautiful.
  16. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Yeah, that way, the bungie staff could devote little more time in perfecting the forge system as well as giving us more tools to work with.

    Also.......if any bungie staff were to see this........I would like:
    31. Dead body dummies (you know, like in campain, where you have dead brute and elite bodies lying around)
    32. Custom-fit walls
  17. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    What do you mean by this?
  18. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
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    Sketchup = forge
  19. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Maybe so you would never have to interlock again? I don't like this idea though because it ruins the art behind Forge.

    Yes, yes. However, you can't play games on those maps that you create.
  20. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Springs, Strings, Gears and Ropes.

    Much more dynamic things can be made from that.

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