Sandbox Good Clean (Fun) Map Bundle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by AIS Student, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some of the maps I included in this Map Bundle have already been posted on Forge Hub (indicated by a +). They're most likely posted in Casual Maps. Now, here are the maps featured in my Map Bundle:

    (links are further down)
    -Spark City+
    -SpaceConflict 2****
    NOTE: I cannot include weapons list on some maps, or post will be much too large.
    *Requires gametype(s). Number of * equals number of gametypes
    needed. Links are featured with maps below.

    Spark City
    Plays: Team Slayer, Multi Bomb, & Multi Flag.

    Spark City is a Big Team Battle map, meaning, it works best with teams of 6-8 players. No matter which gametype you play, the game is always Heavy.

    Weapons List:

    Weapon---------------------On Map/Total----------------Respawn Rate
    BR-------------------------------8/12---------------------10 or 30 sec.
    Shotgun--------------------------4/6---------------------------45 sec.
    SMG-----------------------------4/10--------------------------45 sec.
    Plasma Pistol----------------------2/4--------------------------30 sec.
    Needler---------------------------2/2---------------------------90 sec.
    Brute Shot------------------------2/4--------------------------60 sec.
    Rocket Launcher-------------------4/6--------------------------90 sec.
    Spartan Laser---------------------2/4-------------------------120 sec.
    Gravity Hammer-------------------2/2--------------------------120 sec.
    Beam Rifle-------------------------1/2-------------------------150 sec.
    MGT------------------------------2/2-------------------------120 sec.
    Missile Pod------------------------1/1-------------------------180 sec.
    Frag------------------------------6/24-------------------------10 sec.
    Plasma Grenade----------------10/26------------------------10 sec.
    Bubble Shield----------------------2/4--------------------------90 sec.
    Power Drain-----------------------1/1-------------------------120 sec.
    Trip Mine--------------------------2/2-------------------------150 sec.
    Overshield-------------------------1/1-------------------------150 sec.
    Banshee---------------------------2/2-------------------------180 sec.
    Mongoose-------------------------4/6--------------------------45 sec.
    Warthog---------------------------2/2--------------------------60 sec.
    Wraith-----------------------------2/2------------------------180 sec.

    The layout of Spark City.
    The Starting Bases. Both bases are the exact same on either side.
    The Central Structure that divides the bases, also where the Missile Pod spawns.
    Each side has one of these "Power Towers". The best weapons spawn here, most notably the Spartan Laser.​

    Plays: Team Slayer, Team KotH, Team Oddball, & Infection

    This is my newest map. If you've ever played "Vindictive", you'll feel right at home. This is more of a Competitive map; the reason it's in Casual is because it plays INFECTION.

    Weapon List:

    BR-------------------------------6/14---------------------10 or 30 sec.
    Sniper Rifle-----------------------2/3--------------------60 or 150 sec.
    Plasma Pistol----------------------2/4--------------------------30 sec.
    Plasma Rifle-----------------------4/8---------------------------30 sec.
    Brute Shot------------------------2/6--------------------------60 sec.
    Rocket Launcher------------------2/2--------------------------120 sec.
    Covenant Carbine-----------------4/8---------------------10 or 30 sec.
    Mauler----------------------------2/4--------------------------45 sec.
    MGT (symmetrical)-----------------2/2-------------------------150 sec.
    Missile Pod (symmetrical)-----------1/1-------------------------180 sec.
    Frag------------------------------6/16-------------------------10 sec.
    Plasma Grenade-------------------8/18--------------------------10 sec.
    Incendiary Bomb-------------------2/4--------------------------20 sec.
    Bubble Shield----------------------1/2-------------------------150 sec.
    Trip Mine--------------------------2/2-------------------------150 sec.
    Deployable Cover------------------2/4--------------------------60 sec.
    Overshield (symmetrical)-----------1/1-------------------------180 sec.
    Chopper (Replaced Banshee) (symmetrical)--1/1--------------180 sec.
    Ghost (symmetrical)---------------2/2-------------------------120 sec.
    Mongoose-------------------------4/4--------------------------90 sec.


    The overall layout of Martyr.
    A look at some of the useful structures in Martyr.
    The hole in the middle is open for 3 minutes. Drop down...
    ...& become the Martyr. Snipe down on enemies from above, or return to the surface with an extra Sniper Rifle.
    The primary Sniper Rifle spawn is in the Hut. The Banshee spawns out back. (EDIT: THE BANSHEE HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A CHOPPER DUE TO OVERPOWERING).
    I call this structure the Scorpion. Take the Man Cannon up...
    [​IMG] nab the Overshield, & a helpful Sniper Perch.​

    Plays: Grab n' Dash (CTF Gametype)

    My oldest Foundry map, this is probably my favorite game to play when I have a party of 8-14. This map only works well with the gametype above, Grab n' Dash. The primary weapons of this map are, in fact, power weapons, especially the Rocket Launcher.

    The Overwatch bases. They are tucked in the corners so the large area has room for vehicles.
    Outside each Overwatch Base is a Mini-Base. It has an MGT used to control the middle arena.
    The Garage is below, the Primary Armory is above.
    Way in the back of the arena are Sniper Boxes, where stragglers without vehicles can run here & protect their flag, or snipe the enemy as they leave their base.​

    SpaceConflict 2
    Requires: Team Dogfight (Team Slayer)
    Air Superiority (Team KotH)
    Saboteurs (One-Bomb)
    Hijackers (Multi Flag)

    After several revisions, the NEW Space Conflict is complete! It's new because:
    • The Gauss Hog was moved to the middle of the ship.
    • Rockets are included in each ship for better protection.
    • The VIP Gametype is replaced by a CTF Gametype.
    • Each side gets a Power Drain.

    The S.S. Supernova, the start for each side (Both ships are identical).
    The Hangar, where the fighters & Rockets spawn.
    The Cockpit of the Supernova, where one player alone can turn the tide of battle with the MAC Cannon (Spartan Laser).
    The Asteroid Field, complete with stars & suns. The asteroids are useful for cover from the Spartan Laser, but the suns will make a careless pilot pay.​

    Requires: Restore Hope :viral:
    Mogadishu Mile (VIP)

    I got the idea for this map after watching a show on the History Channel about the infamous Black Hawk Down in Somalia. This map works best with at LEAST 10-16 people.

    Weapons List:

    Assault Rifle (AK-47)-------------12/12--------------------------20 sec.
    BR (M16)-------------------------7/7---------------------------10 sec.
    Shotgun--------------------------1/1---------------------------45 sec.
    Sniper Rifle (Barret 50 cal.)--------2/2---------------------------90 sec.
    Rocket Launcher (RPG)------------5/5---------------------------60 sec.
    MGT------------------------------1/1--------------------------90 sec.
    Trip Mine (IED)--------------------3/3-------------------------120 sec.
    Warthog (Humvee)----------------3/3--------------------60 or 150 sec.
    Transport Hornet (Black Hawk)-----1/1-------------------------120 sec.

    The city of Mogadishu (Human spawn in Infection).​

    Sorry, that was the only picture I could put because I reached the limit of how many I could put.

    Well, that's it for now. Hope you enjoy, for these maps are my favorites when it comes to good, clean fun. If you want to get a game started on any of these maps, message me on Xbox LIVE (My gamertag is il uragano 3493).
    #1 AIS Student, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  2. jeffyrcool

    jeffyrcool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats cool. i think spark city looks fun
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    all the maps look both good and original, and to fit more pictures you could put them in spoiler things, not sure what the code is tho.

    on martyr you said it was for infectoin? if so all the human would have to do is go down the hole to get to the sniper, then get his teamates to go up with him and cover the tele for 3 min, then wouldn't the block spawn and block them from the zombies?
    space conflict v2 looks better thn the first one btw.
  4. Willby

    Willby Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really cool maps. I like all of them, but overall my favorites are Space Conflict 2 and Over Watch. The first one was good, but i've seen stuff like it. Overall, a really cool map pack.
  5. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! My friends like those two maps as well, especially Overwatch. Funny how one of my oldest maps is the most favorite. However, what maps have you seen that look like Spark City, because I have not seen any that look like it.
  6. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think I could enjoy all of these good job man. I esspecially like some of the sandbox varients. Good clean forgeing, keep up the good work.
  7. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    these look very fun, and well built.
    The only one i dont really like is overwatch.
    But my favortie has got to be somalia, just the look of it.
    It looks so intense :p

    good job mate!

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