Is the map this is based on called Maelstrom by any chance? That is what this map reminds me of, only not quite as cool. The reason that map works well is because even though it is messy, it is still quite easy to discern the main structures and flow of the map.
NE3DZ M04R INT3RLOK1NG!!!!1 [/spam] okay, this map looks amazing. a unique idea, making a sort of 'staircase' out of floating pieces. and to answer the idiots above me, interlocking is not necessary everywhere. it is useful, but some maps (such as this one) pull it off spectacularly, with minimal interlocking.
This is a really fresh use of the massive amount of space they give you in the crypt. And with the lighting effect it looks brillient. But how does it play?
I played it and it is very fun. Very faced paced, and crazy... Although I may have played it with too many people, fun nonetheless.
Well, its ok, i played a few games on this with some members from the TG the other day. It was ind of fun, but i think i would sound repetitive if i say you could have put more effort into it. V2 with interlocked map walls and maybe some side passages, the map hass potential, just needs more work done on it.
It a pretty cool idea, although the forging good be a bit neater. I find the walls to be really messy. Also the floating stuff seems a tad randomly placed in the air and i would fix some of the stuff...