1.) When about was Forgehub founded? I know I signed up early, but i can't find the exact date that it was started anywhere, and i guess I'm curious. 2.) What are the bars below peoples names? For instance, I have my name, then junior member, a pic of a magnum, unsc trainee, then 4 bars. Everyone has them, they change a lot, and I have no idea what they mean. I'm assuming they have something to do with advancing through the ranks, but you know what they say about assuming. Sorry if either of these are answered in some sticky somewhere, but I can't find them.
I don't know the exact date ForgeHub was founded, but it was some time in late 2007, like November or December. The more you post the higher your rank will go up, along with your member status.
1.) ? check TDF's join date? 2.) I can't find the thread that specified on it, so I can't tell you the exact numbers, but as you make posts in relevant forums, the bars below your ranks fill up. In the beginning, it's something like you get a new bar every 5 posts, and for every rank up, it takes more posts to get a new bar. Once you've gotten all 5 bars and do as many posts you would need to get another, you rank up. That's when you get a new weapon. As you rank up, your Junior Member title will progress to member and eventually to heroic member and legendary member and that type of thing. Or at least I think that's how your titles change.
really? i vaguely remember forgehub having a ranking system not based on posts. or maybe it was the TRC Guild. Whatever, shows what i know. Thanks. Night all
The forum was made available to the public on December 2, 2007. You progress through the ranks (specific images can be found in customer service) through posts. the magnum and unsc trainee go together, your title is every 500 posts or so I believe. The bars increase for a certain amount (again, customer service) of posts until you reach the end and then you get a new image with no bars to restart. Remember not to spam for rank or you'll end up with a banned rank
I signed up 3 months after we started and have 23 posts. I think I'm good on the spamming. Though it brings up the rather depressing realization that I lurk. A lot. Anyway, thank you all.