a completely symmetrical map built in the sky bubble on sandbox. fun for slayer (teams is the best).2-16 players ummmm............ thats all I can think of, so here are pics "map side view" "bottom level base (both are the same)" "lift leading to top base" "inside the tunnels" "top level base" please download and comment Sentinal
it's ok for a start, what you need is a weapons list and equipment list. also for this kind of map for each base there needs to be more then 3 entrences to each base because people will just camp between the entrences. overall 3/5 it does look a bit bumpy in areas
This map looks very very complex to build so I could see why there can be some "bumps" in it. Some suggestions I would think a "Pyramid Corner" can work well for the exit of the tunnel at the top instead of the two ramps, and I think someone might jump up on the stone pyramidy thing (I forgot the name) but I will be taking a look at the map for some more feedback.
Well, first of all, I see that you put a mauler directly next to a bubble shield. This is extremely bad in the tunnels, where the only movement is forward and backward, so a mauler-bubble combo could easily dominate. Also, seeing as there is only one entrance to each main base, it seems like objective games would be terrible for the map. Which makes its uses very limited and not multifunctional. I suggest at least having a secondary entrance to the base, perhaps a second floor?
umm it looks alright. the tunnels may be too long. if you get shot at you really cant run or hide. but other than that it looks pretty good. maybe the middle could be a bit bigger. but i will just have to download it to see how it plays also somehow make it so they can get on top of the tunnels. that would be some major camping there lol