This Is A Swat Neutal Assault Map. This Map Is On Sanbox. It Is For Games Of Any Size . Its Great Fun For People Who Love Swat, Neutral Assault. Or Just Playing With Freinds! No Vehicles On This Map But Features Brs, Carbines, Magnums, And Shotguns. Gametype : Halo 3 File Details [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
First, you should re-size your pics. They are too large and took almost 20 sec for them to show up. I have a fast PC, so I can imagine that someone with a slower pc might pass this one up, thinking you didn't post pics. You can find out what forgehub thinks is a good size for optimum performance HERE! As far as the map, it's not a bad stab for a first post. However, I can tell by the pics that a good grenade jump will take you out of your map in the bases and a simple hop or two will let a player exit the map in the middle. Why not stacking extra walls and blocks around the edges to prevent this. The rule of thumb is that as long as the boarder is at least two blocks/walls high, or a double block stood on its side, is the right height to keep players from exiting the map. Judging by the pics, it probably would only take you about thirty minutes to do this, and it would make your map a lot more enjoyable. And if you decide to take my advice, why not ad a "tiny" box or an overturned "column" in each base to ad a little cover. If you would like any further help you can always P.M. me.
way to subtlety advertise you map! On topic though you need a download link for your map and not just your gametype, or else this thread will be locked. I would also straighten up the blocks that are around the bases and remove the camo/oversheilds from the towers.
Seems like there was barely any effort put into it. Basically some sloppy spawns with a middle peice with some random and simple barriers. 1/5
Ah no it wasn't. You'd probably say that anytime a map link was posted. Which makes no sense at all since yours, and mine, and everyone else's maps are two inches below in their respecting signatures. Just wanted to help out by citing an example. But to avoid further tears, I removed the links. Anyway did you get around to working on those walls.
I loaded this in 2 seconds. Map. I dont like the idea of swat and assault mixed together. Objective SWAT games get vetoed every time. I dont like the design either, make it wider. Have a mix of open and long areas, and small close quarters. As well as add an elevation difference. Spawns. The first spawn room is too open, spawn camping is far too easy. The map is also really east to escape from. The walls on the side are small and easy to jump over.
Message to all , There is a new and improved map out by me with alot of your suggestions added to it, so check it out, Thank you.