How important is K/D spread to you?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Urban Myth, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    When I play online I try to get as many kills as I can but I won't go "rambo" or rush because your number of deaths matter as much as your number of kills do. Now some people think that if you spend too much time trying to survive while only racking up a couple of kills makes you bad. In my opinion that's smart gameplay, because the people who get 32 kills and 21 deaths (not a bad game) can be compared to the guy with 22 kills and 11 deaths. If one is replaced with the other, the score difference goes no where. Honestly I don't count a k/d spread of zero as a good game, not for me anyway. The way I see it, we wouldn't have won or lost by any different amount if I wasn't there. Some people will brag about their 40 kill game but if their k/d spread is in the negatives, that may be one of their worst games. Also, some people get mad when you get about 10 kills in BTB even if you had 0 deaths. But I find it more common in CoD than Halo for people to get mad at you if you don't get alot of kills. To alot of people, death count doesn't matter and that's why the team ends up losing.

    I believe that the amount of kills don't mean **** if you get a negative k/d spread. Opinions?
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I see what you are saying. When i first started halo i didnt even know what k/d was. Now my ratio is like 1.07 for social and i have no idea for ranked. In my opinion if you wanna be MLG then worry about it.

    Also, if somebody gets like 40 kills a game but has a negative k/d then thats obviously just a very long game and they still arent the best.
  3. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    MY KD SPREAD IS MAI LIEF acually it means nothing.. i just think that the more i go possitive the better im getting, so i basically just use it and get an average and if its + i just think of me as getting better, other than that, it doesnt really do anything to me.
  4. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    IDC. I started at halo sucky, and my K:D showed it. I got better in customs, and I never play matchmaking, so I'm much better than it shows. The site statistic doesn't mean anything. In game I'd rather have positive though.
  5. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    K/D spread is probably the single most important stat in a slayer match. Simply put, you go negative you lose, go positive you win. Assuming that when you go negative you're not getting carried.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Couldn't care less. I haven't checked my stats in a while, but I'm pretty sure they're pretty low. I'm pretty good when I'm serious and actually trying, but usually I'll just be a jack off trying to get mongoose or hornet splatters or trying to get my team to throw grenades at 1 person >:)

    EDIT:I just checked and both my ranked and social are 0.99. Hm, I'm actually surprised.
  7. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Finally someone else understands. I am sick and tired of getting 12 or 13 of my team's kill in team slayer, and getting yelled at, when I only have one or two deaths. The way I see it, I actually helped our team out, whereas the guy with 21 kills and 22 deaths hurt our team despite all of his kills.

    When you add up everyone on your team's K/D spread, the team that is positive is the winner, and the team that is negative is the loser EVERY TIME (in slayer anyways). That obviously makes the K/D spread extremely important.
    #7 AgileDan92, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  8. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Pretty much sums it up for me.

    I liek to kill a few, and not die. Rather than kill 20 and die 30 times.
  9. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    When I play serious I try to keep a good, positive k/d. But a lot of the time I just play for fun, like spending sniper games going rambo no scopes (actually went 11-0 doing that, no sharpshooter cause of freakin fussion coils) Playing for fun > getting a high k/d
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    K/D is pointless. I dont need a number on a website telling me how good I am. Let your rank speak for itself. Its nothing to be bothered by because people get pissed about social K/D when they shouldnt.

    K/D doesnt mean anything because I used to have a pretty fair K/D around 1.5- now its like 1.08 because ive played games like SWAT, Griffball, Living Dead (ranked and social) all of those can be incredibly unfair slaughterfests- People can say you suck at MLG because you die a ton in Living Dead?

    Thats why you shouldnt be bothered by K/D, its very inaccurate and mixes what a player is good at and what he is bad at.
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    You may say that but K/D spread says a lot about a competitive gamer. For example support players probably have a great kill death ratio. If you plan on playing seriously you need to have a K/D ratio above 1 every match or nothing you ever do matters. So yes try to keep a high ratio at all times. Sometimes I'll go a whole match only dying three times while I kill 15 enemies. This is a great contribution to the team. As I am not giving my opponents kills I'm racking up points for our team. So yes K/D ratio matters.
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I'm not speaking of an overall k/d ratio, I'm talking about individual games that you play competatively on. Things like infection and mini games aren't competative. Oh and I'm talking about two team games, not multi team or FFA because in that sense, kills are the only things that matter (for the most part).

    Oh and it's easier to judge a player by average k/d ratio than rank, if they don't mess around in ranked that is. I mess around in social sometimes because it doesn't affect my rank so social only really matters for experience. Rank is worse to judge a player by because, for example, my highest rank right now is 37 as a commander grade two... I think. But anyway, how does that make me look? Do you think that I play with generals from first glance at my rank? No. But I'm around 37 in at least 3 different playlists, maybe 4. I hardly play ranked and I don't like sticking to one paricular gametype so does that make me bad?
    #12 Urban Myth, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  13. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    I once played a social slayer game where i had 9 kills or so with maybe 2 or 3 deaths, and then there was the guy who had like 25 kills with like 28 deaths, and he was bragging that he carried us.

    'Nuff said.
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    For me, I would say that K/D spread is in fact very important to me since I am both a player focusing on my skill and at the same time have fun.

    It also reflects to the people and they will possibly treat you with more respect if you have an acceptable K/D spread. And, at the end of the game, people would most likely say: "You're trash." to the person who has a horrible K/D spread.
  15. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    It's not important to me at all. As long as I have fun on the game, I'm perfectly peachy. CoD4 Ranking matters to me because . . . I lawv my .50 Caliber Snipa Wifle :3

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