Sandbox Pylon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RedBull0909, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. RedBull0909

    RedBull0909 Ancient
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    Pylon is a straight up team slayer map. Nothing else, not MLG either the MLG version will be posted within the week. Along with a new map I called VOLT, but you will see that later. this map has the look and feel of a MLG map but has the play abilitty of a FFA Map. There are no vehicles on here wich leads to how skilled you are. This map took roughly 6 hours to make and test. And its simpliticity makes it irresistalbe to the battle rifle user.

    Overview [​IMG]

    Blue base [​IMG]

    Red Base [​IMG]

    How bad do you want those rockets? [​IMG]

    LINK: : Halo 3 File Details

    Send me messages on XBL if you have suggestions, Gamertag: RedBull0909
  2. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    ok first post sorry to say this thread will most likely be locked after you didnt include pics in the first one and now ur double posting and i dont want to be mean cause of the rules but this map is realy realy basic not much forging or merging or cover or anything
  3. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    u coulda just edited ur last post... but anyway... the map does look very basic... and sry if this sounds mean but, 6 hours to make this? were u messing around with ur friends the whole time or somethin? cuz i coulda thrown this together in about an hour or 2... no offense or anything... hope i didnt come off as mean...

    sry but no dl :S
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    This map has way too much open space. There is almost nowhere to go to when being shot at.
    Its also almost too simple.... No interlocking, very small and basic structures, very little amount of structures. You should try adding more structures to the map and make things less simplistic....
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Exactly what both people above me have said. This is way too open for a BR's map. Too much open area, not enough cover. The few walls dotted around don't do much either. I like what you have going with the bases, but try to elaborate on that. You have a VERY simple map here. To be honest, it seems half built. You've got the general layout down, but you have to add some more cover.

    5/10 for now. If you can improve on that, my score will go higher.
  6. RedBull0909

    RedBull0909 Ancient
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    Ok oK, I was just trying to pull of somthing that no ones done before, V2 will be fixed, and have have more structures. An that doublepost was an accident
  7. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    ok seriously dude you have what maybe like 6 or 7 structures this is not that great and so what that it has never been done before. so what it has no interlocking or geomerging it needs a LOTTTTT of work to be up to forgehub standards
  8. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    This map is way too simplistic and open. There are almost no cover, and some of the structures are crooked. You recommend BR's, but they would never work. On a map this open, the only thing a could see working is a sword or hammer based gametype. Add more cover and structures, and you'd have a solid map. Until then, 3/10.


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