Forge Problem : Object moved Hi everyone ! So it's my problem : The object in my map move for nothing. Exemple : I was working on a new race map in Sandbox ( and it's need a lot of precision ) when I decided to save and quit the game. When I decided to go work again on my map, the *double walls* was not in the same *position* than before. Well it's more than the double wall not placed with the same precision than before. It's really bad because I always have to put the object in the good position... So what I can do ???
Nothing. Bungie has adressed this problem countless times. There is no way to fix the save and change position glitch. Work around it.
Make sure you are holding the right trigger right before you save. The object also snaps to the position it was the last time you pressed the right trigger. This doesn't solve the imminent slight tilt though.
I don't understand....everyone have this problem ? So how they can make maps ??? EDIT : Pictures added.
Pics aren't working. Go to Halo Screen Shots Type in your Gamertag, and from there you'll get all your recent pics. Then just copy the BB code and paste here. I don't understand what you're trying to explain, sorry Your pics aren't even working... : Halo 3 File Details
1. Upload pics via imageshack, halopictures, photobucket, the works. 2. Good thing you did this now instead of when you went to post a map. 3.My first letter is slowly moving to the left. 4E.veryone has this problem, just we try to do our best to ignore it. W5e. just try to use things that don't seem to tilt too badly. It6'.s mostly about luck. Sor7r.y but I had to type like this. Cause.
i found that after you save once it will move, much like your problem. repositioning and saving a second time worked for every piece that had the problem.
Sandbox automatically VERY SLIGHTLY tilts every floating object to the left. It's a glitch that they didn't realize until the map was already done and released. You can only get it 99.999999% straight.