4 hard Achievments

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TailsIce44, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    There are 4 really hard achievements in halo 3 and there all original:

    Steppin Razor


    Two For One

    Mongoose Mowdown

    Does anyone have any tips for me on how I and anyone else could get these?
    Personally I got Mongoose Mowdown and Two for One but all of them are pretty hard achievments so anyone have some tips on them?
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    There is either the legit way or the boosting method. I got all of mine except for overkill legit. Either you keep playing until you snatch it up legit or you do the language trick. If you need a guide for these or are interested in getting into achievement hunting then check this place out.

    Xbox360Achievements.org - Halo 3 Achievement Guide
  3. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Basically, you just have to keep playing until you get them. You can cheat to get them, but that isn't going to give you the same sense of fulfillment, and isn't really worth it.
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I'm actually righting a Guide for tips on Halo 3 Multiplayer achievements, but the hardest one in that list has got to be Two for One.

    To get Two for One, the easiest gametypes within Lone Wolves is KoTH, because everyone is bunching up. So on a map say like Snowbound for an example, stay off to the side and get the in your line of sights, and somewhere to run if you are noticed. If the hill is Uncontested, wait until it is. The Ghost is another easy way to get it because if someone is boarding it, two people will be close to it.
  5. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Pick up the sword in a game. You might want it to be like an objective game so the other players wont be focused only on killing your dumb sword-wielding ass. Just wait for three to be close and just go for it. I got this the first week I had halo, it's really not that hard.

    Hmm, this one is pretty easy. If you have skills with the sniper rifle, go for it. Players do this all the time. If you don't have mad skills, either go with rockets+Br+Grenade spam theory and bomb the **** out of a group of people then finish them off with head shots.

    Or you could always jump in a pile up with a shotgun, this is my personal favorite.

    Just get lucky with the spartan laser. Wait for two people (probably on highground) to be jumping around trying to AR each other. It will take forever, and you can line up a shot.

    Also, at random times people will jump on other peoples mongooses. That makes an easy two in one target, you just have to beat the guy on the back trying to kill the driver.

    Wait for two players to start fighting each other (again probably on highground) and they wont be paying attention to you. Most nubs just jump up and down and spray ar bullets everywhere so you should have plenty of time to ram one on his way down.
  6. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    i got my overkill by having my friend scream at me, and i pretended to be crying saying " can i get my brother my overkill please, hes gun beat me up"

    it was win cause after it i was like
    25-16 me, i was like, haha, ****ers.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I think the easiest place is lone wolves...but can you get overkill in SWAT? If you can, that would make it tremendously easy. I think to get these achievements you need to stand at the side for some time and wait for the right opportunities...I was hiding in the lobby on Construct with a sword, 3 guys start fighting, there's my Steppin' Razor...at least, that's how I got it.
  8. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    noob, mine was on pit, i was at tower, ninja'd 2 gais then the otherone was afk.
  9. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    team swords much... almost got overkill there too lol. Just drive around in a mongoose, and someone will let you hit them.
  10. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I got Stepping Razor on KoTH on The Pit(Before Pit Stop) and Mongoose Mowdown on Isolation.
    I got Two-For-One on Construct(Only map w/ a lazer?) when to people where sword clashing above gold.
    Still working on Overkill though...
    And Killing Frenzy
  11. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Well I got the Triple Kill, Overkill, and Steppin Razor achievements in a game of swords. When using a sword remember that using right trigger is for noobs. Always use your melee button. If you clash swords you can attack again much faster then when you lunge. You have to get closer to do a normal melee but once you get used to it you'll beat someone just lunging every time.
  12. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    It doesn't take an expert at Halo to get these achievments. I can't recall how or when I got mongoose mowdown, but it was relitivly early on in my time playing Halo 3 matchmaking. I got Steppin Razor on The Pit, it was on a game of swords, And I was playing as an elite (For lucks sake) Somwhow I didn't get Overkill untill some time later. I was on foundry, out in the open I killed three guys and beat down (Assinated?) a guy who didn't see me, and got the achievment. and for the two for one? I was on High ground (Where else?) on the laser tower, and at almost the last ten or so seconds of the game, I went to laser a guy, who was jumping on the bunker, after I shot I somehow got a double kill. Later on I checked it out on theater, and as in turned out. My laser hit the one guy, and on the beach there was this guy who killed everyone around him and my laser just so happend to randomly hit him while he was moving towards the base. So in essence, It all just randomness and luck. Do it legit though, it feels pretty good to get these on your own. Though you tend to get a little too overconfindent in your abilities. (thats how I went from a rank 39 in lone wolves to rank 34, never both overestimate your abilities and those of your foes. At least rank mean nothing in the long run.)
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    If you are a really low rank in Lone Wolves, its really easy because noobs are obsessed with getting the achievements. You could get Two For One by lasering two people trying to boost Mongoose Mowdown.

    Here is how I got mine:

    Overkill: Epitaph Slayer: Shotgun Bubble shield in the middle of the map- tons of people rushing. Also Epitaph KOTH: Threw a few grenades in the hill.

    Steppin Razor: Snowbound Swords: pretty simple, just kill someone, then find 2 people dueling quickly.

    Mongoose Mowdown: Isolation Slayer: Its easier to splatter people that are almost dead, try to run into someone that is fighting or hiding.

    Two for One: Slayer Snowbound: Lasered a ghost with a carjacker on top. High Ground: Lasered a person on a mongoose and a person behind it.
    #13 Loscocco, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    they took out most of the gametypes that i got mine on...

    2 for 1 - FFA standoff. [some idiots got in the warthog together]
    mongoose mowdown - High Ground, just keep driving down the hill as fast as possible.
    Overkill - I got it when they had that ranked infection playlist that one time. :/
    Steppin Razor - WAYYYYYYY back, the swords gametype used to be in Rumble Pit.
  15. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    The only really hard one IMO is splaser double kill, I have yet to get that one. As for steppin razor, it's mainly about how good you are in swords and how many people you're againts.

    I highly recommend that you play legendary brawl, because on avlanche you can get I think 13 people, and there's a splaser on the map which will give you a better chance of getting the achievement thn in lone wolves, where there's only like 5 other people.

    As for mongoose mowdown, it's fairly easy just drive around in a mongoose until you hit someone.
  16. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    All i can say is play a lot of Lone Wolves, For the Two for One try shooting 2 ppl that are fighting
  17. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    A bunch of the new achievements are really hard, like the splatter spree, perfection, killtac, and extermination ones. I need some sandbox griffball or I'll never get killtac/exterm
  18. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Stepin razor and overkill was actually quite a funny story for me. I picked up a sword but it only had one slice left. (construct) So i sliced one guy then ran over to purple(with no energy in the sword) and assassinated him. Then two others came up purple and killed them. 4 kills with a sword and 3 with no energy in it.

    Two for one i havnt got in ranked, even though i have countless in social >.<

    Mongoose mowdown i dont have. I dont play lone wolves at all really.
  19. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Mongoose mowdown was actually my first Live achievement and I got Two for one by accident. I was about to lazer a guy when the other dude popped in and perfect timing led me to the achievment

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