I just got my capture card working, me and my dad figured out what to do to get video, but We cant figure out how to get it in color and with sound. When ever we try to capture it says invalid source check you cabels or something like that but it stills records. We have tried switching the cords for the audio and color but its not working any suggestions?
What Cap Card? What Operating System? What does your setup look like? Questions that could be extremely helpful.
Haha ya seriously. You post a thread and assume we know magically what capture card you have. Anyways if you have a Dazzle DVC ### then I can probably help you, other than that I wouldn't know. Although I do assume that most capture cards work basically the same way.
I cant use my cap with pinnacle studio. Google amcap and if u cant use pal if your from uk, secam if your french and ntsc if ur american, then use ntsc433 and it will colour. For sound make sure its correct source. Gl