Sandbox The South Slums

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JMJ405, May 22, 2009.

  1. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    The South Slums
    He everyone, thanks for checking out my new map, The South Slums. The first thing I want to clear up about this map is, THIS IS NOT JUST ME TRYING TO COPY De Airik's map, Derkaderkastan. The map idea is actually based off of two movies: Slumdog Millionare, and District 9. You may notice that there is a slight similarity between our towers though, and that is because after a friend accused me of trying to copy off Derkaderkastan, I looked for it. I had small tower-like structers before my knowledge of Derakderkastan, however, they were an absoloute eye-sore.
    The towers in Derkaderkastan inspired me on how to give mine better asethetics. I stress the word 'inspired' because I would never try to steal a fellow Forgehubber's map. Anyway, The South Slums is an asymmetric map that IMO is my best map yet. I used realistic weapons because I wanted to give it a more realistic feel.​

    Supported Gametypes:
    -Assult/Neutral Bomb
    -Multi Flag CTF
    -Juggernaut [NOTE: Go to points are messed up therefor, the map does not work with Mad Dash varients, just Juggernaut and Ninjanaut.]​

    -BR (9)
    -AR (2)
    -Magnum (3)
    -SMG (3)
    -Sniper Rifle (2)
    -Splazer (1) :: Yes, it is realistic, there is a similar real-world weapon, called an I.E.D.
    -Rocket Launcher (2)
    -Shotgun (2)
    -Missle Pod (1)
    -Machine Gun Turret (1)
    I know there are a lot of power weapons, but they are all spread out well and have fair respawn times.​

    Trip mine (3)
    Radar Jammer (1) :: Yes, there are real-world radar jammers.​

    Mongoose (2)
    Transport Hornet (1)​


    Overview 1:

    Overview 2:

    Overview 3:
    The South Slums Marketplace.

    Let's make this Easier- Lots more overviews:

    Building 1:
    (Roof off)
    (Roof on)

    Building 2:
    (Roof off)
    (Roof on)

    Building 3:
    (Roof off)
    (Roof on)

    U.S. Military Outpost on outskirts of map:

    Military Outpost After 180 Seconds:
    ^ I didn't want it to become too overpowering, so that is why it is not at the start, on a 180 sec respawn, and a transport. (And the turret is still there, my friend just ripped off.)​

    Action Pics (kind of):​

    I see you John F. Kennedy....

    I see YOU Lee Oswald!!!

    *Andy and Caboose

    Well everyone, that's all my map has to offer, hope you enjoy!
    Download here.

    P.S. Feedback/constructive critism would be greatly apprieciated!​
    #1 JMJ405, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  2. Donii

    Donii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty cool, we should colab and make like, mexico or something, a urban place.

    how bout it?
  3. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah sounds like a good idea, one of my next maps was actually either gonna be a halo 2 remake or a urban-style map. send me a PM to further discuss it.
  4. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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  5. DFS Faust

    DFS Faust Ancient
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    1st off don't take pics in forge.
    the grid is very annoying.
    2nd i like your map very much you did a good job making it look like a city.
    3rd you need to interlock some of your buildings more
    like the Column Structure.
    it looks kinda sloppy.
    and 4th add Some other ground vehicles
    like maybe a gause Warthog Across Form the Hornet.
    so Hopefully a V2.
    3 out of 5.
  6. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    2 things.
    1. I like the idea of the map, and its layout. Maybe make some of the buildings more clumped together like apartments? And taller?

    2. His name is not Gary. Gary is the name of the computer. Andy is the name of the bomb in RedvsBlue. :p
  7. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Looks great, I bet a game of team snipers would be excellent on this map.
  8. MLG Xx Starz n Snipz xX

    Senior Member

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    Looks sweet. Iidon't see any interlocking, but everything looks really carefully placed so i don't think it matters. good job
  9. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    I wish I could add some more but I hit the item limit as this was not a budget-glitched map.
  10. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    i agree with smart alec you have a good basic design and some good structures but where is the interlocking and geomerging and also in your desription for the weapons put there respawn times and then it wuld be woth a dl but from me it looks good but a little too ameturish also i this will be good for free for all
  11. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Reminds me of a training ground you would see on the news for the army or someting. Really cool map though. If I were you I would have called it Proving Ground or someting but yours is cool
  12. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    The column structure is interlocked. The roofs on the building are interlocked. The arch is interlocked, along with a load of other interlocked things. Also, some of the things were left un-interlocked, because, when was the last time you saw a nice, neat, clean slum?
  13. Silent Sam

    Silent Sam Ancient
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    i dont think the turret is worth it but non the less it looks pretty good
  14. kevinb1231996

    kevinb1231996 Ancient
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    i played it and it was fun but things are very messy (im being harsh the maps good) some things really need to be straightened out a bit.

    if you're gonna take the pics in forge make sure everything is straight with the grid otherwise it just makes any skew pieces more obvious

  15. paves911

    paves911 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i would enjoy helping with that colab.. haha
    I am good with making maps like these. and I enjoy it. hit me up over live sometime perhaps
  16. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map has a real city like feel. It looks like a good remake of a CoD gamtype or GoW2 gamtype would play really well on this map. Just 1 thing, some of mthe building look very easy to camp on. Try adding more entrances to them.

    PS. Andy and Caboose!!!!!!!!Zomg caboose is sooo funny

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