I'm mainly a forger but I thought I'd give screenshots ago. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. ODSTs [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] (^ This one got f***ked up by the stupid gridlines, my fault) Guilty Spark [/URL] Whaddaya think?
They are all waaaaay to dark. The best one is actually the one with the grid-lines, but it would look a lot better without them..
I actually wanted a darker, more...myseterious if you will, (lol) look. If anyone is wondering (even though its incredibly obvious lol) I used Old Timey and Gloomy. I'll update it whith some more pics when I get a chance.
First of all, no sniper, take it out NAO!! The lighting is bland, and the person is bland, so I'm going to have to give you a low rating. 1.5/5 If you lighten it up or add lighter things to the background to give it depth, it would be better.
What's wrong with a sniper? I mean you got the bland part and lighting part right, but why no sniper.
... the ODST's actually have names? oh well the pictures are too dark, and you should never take pictures in forge, on account of the red blue orange brown etc. colors they give, that are all to "out there" to make for a good serious screen shot like this. i would also tend to stay away from the sunset in the skybubble on sandbox. since people found it thats all they've been using. take the time to find an original background or effect, cuz in the end, when you get a great screenie, its worth it