Below is two previews of the new map being made by The Paradox Forgers. Watch and enjoy . YouTube - Paratroxity Trailer YouTube - Paratroxity Preview
You would put your video first. Lol, kidding Gamer. Nice to see your hitting up the forums and spreading the word.
The second vid was really good. Can't say the same about the first vid, although I think YT changing the song had something to do with it. I'm not very good at puzzle maps, but I'll give it a try. I just hope you haven't given too much away with this vid...
I honestly think no one will beat this the 1st week or maybe even the 1st month it comes out....This map will have to be revised in many ways by the players IMO. I have played every single puzzle map that buddhacrane has had to offer starting by Hell on Earth which is a pretty incredible map for its time. I cannot imagine the ideas of every great forger put together in a single map....its gonna be AMAZING looking forward to a release date or a feature in front page when it comes out.
Good luck with that. This puzzle will be amazing and very difficult. We are trying to get in on Favorites as well. As far as the progress on it, we are almost done. We are in the testing phase now. After we test and fix it up for about a week it will be complete and the contest will begin And to fish fingers, yes the music that went with it got removed D:. It is not as epic anymore.
The first video sucks compared to the second one. Even if the music got taken down, the editing and clips are way better in the second. The map looks pretty good, but I wish you wouldn't call it amazing. Nobody should ever call their own map amazing, let others decide. I'm looking forward to playing it, and once I do then I'll decide if it's amazing.
Trust me matt, we have put about 3 months of work into this puzzle. I hope this map earns the right to atleast be called amazing. Great way to promote the map Gamer! I know mander did the same to and every little bit helps this map to get hyped..