Sandbox Enyalius

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Spanko, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    This is a V2 of my map Artifact, I also decided to rename it with the update. PLEASE RATE


    Enyalius is a symetriical map best suited for 6 - 16 players. It features a good mix of close quarters, long range and vehicular combat. It supports all game types for up to 4 teams. Recomended gametypes are Team Slayer, Multiflag CTF and Neutral Bomb. I also recomend BR + AR starts.

    Download Enyalius


    The map consists of two opposing bases separated by a large central structure and smaller structures and objects spread across the main floor to act as cover. Both bases and the central structure feature 2 levels. The lower levels are aimed towards Close Quarters combat while the upper levels are best suited for BR/Carbine use and map control. The upper levels of the bases are conected to the central scructure by bridges, meaning it is possible for a player to traveres the whole map base to base without touching the ground, however as the bridges offer very little cover this is not allways the best option.

    V2 changes:
    Moved ghosts from middle to bases.
    Altered bunkers to improve map balance.
    Added cover to the sand in the middle.
    Added more red/blue columns for aesthetics and navigation.
    Tweaked weapon placement and spawns.
    Removed two mongeese.

    Power Weapon Locations

    OV - top mid
    Shotty - bottom mid
    Rockets - between corner pieces
    Brute Shot - on top of bunkers
    Needlers - middle of bridges
    Maulers - bottom of bases
    Missile Pod - bottom of bases

    Weapons, Equipment, Vehicles

    Item, Respawn Time, Spare Clips
    x12 BR, 10s, 2
    x6 Carbine, 10s, 2
    x2 SMG, 60s, 2
    x2 Plasma Rifle, 60s
    x2 Plasma Pistol, 60s
    x2 Brute Shot, 60s, 2
    x2 Mauler, 90s, 2
    x2 Needler, 90s, 2
    x2 Rockets, 120, 1
    x2 Missile Pod, 180s
    x1 Shotgun, 180s, 2

    x10 Plasma Granades, 60s
    x4 Frag Grenades, 30s
    x2 Power Drain, 120s
    x2 Bubble Shield, 120s
    x2 Regenerator, 120s
    x1 Grav Lift, 60s
    x1 Overshield, 180s

    x2 Warthog, 120s
    x2 Mongeese, 60s
    x2 Ghosts, 180s

    Blue base

    Blue bridge, blue bunker in background. Blue rockets are between the corner pieces in foreground.



    Top Mid

    Bottom Mid (top deleted)

    Bottom Mid

    Bottom Base

    Thanks for reading, constructive critisism is welcome.

    I know the geo merged pieces around the edges may look a little out of place in the screen shots, but they look much better when your'e actualy in the map and they are there for a reason. They're there so its not so easy to speed round the outside in the worthog, but at the same time they can also offer cover to vehicles from missile pod and rockets. Also they provide foot soldiers the oppotunity to use them as cover to flank the enemy bunkers.

    The bridges are fairly exposed but if they werent it would be far to easy to traverse the map and all the fighting would be contained in the central structure, they do however have some cover in the middle and hieght is always an advantage. As for getting sniped, I'd be impressed by that as there are none in the map, mainly due to the large sand dune that would allow players to snipe into one base but not the other.

    There are some open areas but all large maps have this, otherwise vehicles would be useless. In the open areas on either side of the central structures there are bubble shields, also players can use the merged pieces in the sand as cover to move around the sides.

    Its not, its right in the middle. It looks like that in the sceenies because its floating a couple of meters in the air, you can get it just by jumping.
    #1 Spanko, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  2. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I think the pathways that go from each base to the middle are an impressive example of forging. The map itself looks pretty kick ass (if you'll pardon my french). This map looks really fun. I'll have to download it and get back to you on the gameplay.

    Senior Member

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    Nice map maybe its a little bit too open at the middle there are some points where you got no chance to hide.
    but overall it looks very clean and you got a nice layout.

    Oh and btw to name: its exacly like you geo-merge on foundry into the ground only this time you cant use doors then you use boxes or walls or something else to merge them.
  4. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    This map is impressive I like how you design the bases outside and interior same for the middle structure. I don't really like the stuff along the border sticking out the sand dunes but I think I understand why you did that good job man 4/5.
  5. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i really really like this map. It looks like a perfect combination of vehicle combat, but still humans can go on the ground just find. the forging is very good, there are a couple of spots i wouldve interlocked, like in the bases, but it shouldnt effect gameplay, just aesthetics. Overall, this is a very very good map in my opinion, i just need to play a game on it now. 4.5/5, interlock a wee bit more, and it will be a 5/5
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This map is really good. Everything looks pretty even and the forging and neatness of the map looks great. I love the bridges on both sides although the geo merging looks kinda random. I also really like this map because i find the the design is really good. Great job man.
  7. TheBobulator

    TheBobulator Ancient
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    Love the elevated paths and base setup, but the paths are a little exposed from ground fire and incredibly prone to sniping.
  8. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Great walkways, this has a different feel to it... Can't really put my mind to it but something makes me like it alot.
    However, the random debris out in the dunes looks pretty tacky, Might just be me but i dont think that it looks good. If you got rid of the debris and put some more stuff around the edges, this would be a lot better aesthetically
  9. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    absolutely great map. reminds me of a odd boardwalk. By the way could you tell me how to geomerge objects into the map? Like all the things you put inside the sand near the border
  10. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    I know the geo merged pieces around the edges may look a little out of place in the screen shots, but they look much better when your'e actualy in the map and they are there for a reason. They're there so its not so easy to speed round the outside in the worthog, but at the same time they can also offer cover to vehicles from missile pod and rockets. Also they provide foot soldiers the oppotunity to use them as cover to flank the enemy bunkers.

    The bridges are fairly exposed but if they werent it would be far to easy to traverse the map and all the fighting would be contained in the central structure, they do however have some cover in the middle and hieght is always an advantage. As for getting sniped, I'd be impressed by that as there are none in the map, mainly due to the large sand dune that would allow players to snipe into one base but not the other.

    There are some open areas but all large maps have this, otherwise vehicles would be useless. In the open areas on either side of the central structures there are bubble shields, also players can use the merged pieces in the sand as cover to move around the sides.
  11. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    This is one of the greatest Sandbox BTB maps I have seen to date. The geomerged blocks out in the sand to the side really are a nice touch and they do increase the overall gameplay area of the map. Not to mention the fantastic centre structure.

    This map should be in matchmaking, I hope you have submitted it to Atlas.
  12. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Nice map dude. I know others are telling you that some areas may be too open but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Think about it: the maps bungie made don't have something you can run into every three feet. A little space is a good thing. Also the debris on the outside of the map; not saying merging makes everything right but without it the debris might have seemed like you just ran out of ideas and slapped some stuff in there. Maybe try just conglomerating it together more or something to make it a tad neater. All in all though you did a great job especially for one of us early members. Kudos!
  13. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    After a play through of the map I found the debris to be a perfect addition. It provides some interesting looking cover so you are able to actually walk out a little further into the dunes. Personally I do not think it should be changed.
  14. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    I need 3 game videos before I can submit to Atlas. I want 4v4 Team Slayer, Multiflag and Neutral Bomb videos. When I have those, then you can play Enyalius in matchmaking =]
  15. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    I personally think it would be a better map for 6v6 - 8v8. All the structures are quite large and as I have said, the outlying debris makes the make seem even bigger. I would love to play some 6v6 and up Multiflag or Neutral Bomb if you need people to help out.
  16. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    ok i love the bases and the ramps leading to the center structure. there are only two problems the geomerging in the sand dunes is really random. i mean come on fix that up beacuse ur bases and ramps look to good to fit with that. and also fix the middle up because it almost seems like a city map or infecting with that big building. i think the map would be good if u fixed that. holy shi* thats a hell of a weapon list. dood download
  17. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    One of my favs on this level of sandbox so far. One gripe (and its very minor) the elevated pathways would look better to me if they had at least one more support under them. I know this is halo and the laws of physics dont apply, but the pathways look unnatural. In real life such a structure would need more support. Just a thought.
  18. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    The map looks like alot of fun. This map has alittle of everything to it. The lower center structure gives it that in-close combat feel, while the outside gives both plenty of driving room and with the bridges, enough cover for pedestrians. I'm usually just a creepy lurker on this site, but I'm downloading this one. Oh ya, thanks for NOT putting the sniper on this.... Your 100% right about that one tall dune bieng used as the ultimate sniper spot. Even makes br's pretty strong. On that Utah Mamba map (good map too), its always dominated by some super general 12 year old, up on that dune with his br/laser/sniper. So thanks again!
  19. Flamerazor2

    Flamerazor2 Ancient
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    This is a great 4 v 4 map, really detailed, maybe try to make it into an assault gametype (im addicted to assault) and you have me and my friends download for sure (although i already did lol)
  20. crispychicken49

    crispychicken49 Ancient
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    Beautiful map just beautiful. 9/10

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