Important Links: Fileshare: Haven Youtube: For easy viewing Version 5 Description: Haven is a symmetrical map which is desgined to support Multi-Flag, Neutral Assault and Slayer. This map resemblems some features of the popular halo 2 map sanctuary especially the middle structure. The map focuses heavily on teamwork and vechicle use to obtain, not only map control but to also secure the objective. Each base contains weapons and equipment to counter vechicles. The centre of the map is used as a neutral point which contains some powerweapons aswell as the neutral bomb point. There is a heathly balance of open areas and cover on this map which allows vechicles to function but not to become overpowered. When undergoing testing Skirmish and BTB fans enjoyed this map. Weapons on Map: Battle Rifle x8 -Respawn times vary. Brute Shot x2 -Respawn 60 Seconds Carbine x2 - Respawn 30 seconds Human Turret x2 -Respawn 180 Seconds Missle Pod x2 -Respawn -180 Seconds Needler x2 -Respawn - 90 Seconds Rockets x1 -Respawn - 150 Seconds Shotgun x2 -Respawn - 150 Seconds Sniper x2 -Respawn - 120 Seconds Equipment: BubbleShield x2 Respawn - 120 Seconds Chopper x2 Respawn- 120 Seconds Mongoose x4 Respawn- 60 on Base 90 below base Regen x2 Respawn- 120 Seconds PowerDrain x2 Respawn- 120 Seconds Warthog x2 Respawn- 120 Seconds Supported Gametypes: -CTF -Neutral Assault -Slayer Images: General powerweapon layout. Looking from Blue Base to Central Structure. Centre structure overview. Turret Platform. Action Shots. Close call Mongoose Fail. Thanks go out to, H3WM Zer0 Vis for making the banner H3WM Henri for producing the video and everyone for helping with testing. (Since the video a few things have changed)
The map looks great it does remind me a little of sanctuary. The middle part is open on the inside which is really nice and there is just enough cover to make it perfect. The base designs are cool because they are large and have lots of cover so it makes it almost beneficial to stay at them in some cases. I could see this map having an MLG variant to it also. 4.5/5
This looks really cool. Its like Sanctuary on a larger scale. I really like that idea. It seems a little open between the bases and the center structure but thats expected when using vehicles. I would have to see that in a game to make a judgment on it. The weapon layout looks good and I applaud you for posting a weapon list with respawn times. Lots of people dont do that and I think its important to know. I will surely give this a DL and check it out. The bases look sweet but the side structures catch my eye. Good job so far, ima check it out.
I've never known you to make competitive maps before, but this looks great. It really does look like a great Multi-flag map, especially with the two bases and the center structure. I can actually see this working for land grab, but I think I'll stick to Multi-flag if I ever play this. Also, just out of curiousity, why a missle pod and a turret? It seems kind of pointless, because either one can take out a vehicle, and the missle pod is more of a way to take out air vehicles.
When playtested the misslepod was only effective when the warthog/chopper was driving around on the sanddunes. When the vehicles are driving on the main stage the missle pod isn't very effective compared to the turret. It seems they balance out quite well with the machine gun turret also being effective at defending the flag home or away which the pod can't do. Anyway I appreciate the feedback, Thanks.
Coming from someone who had the chance to play test the map I give it 4.5 * of 5. The map ran great in 6v6 and I feel it could flow great in BTB (8v8). For those looking for a quick description it can best be described has a BTB Sanctuary. Perfectly symmetrical and large enough to successfully run the Hog and choppers. All round great map.
Thanks for all the feedback. The issue with the mongoose spawns has been fixed aswell as the problem with the "flickering". The reason that the rockets don't spawn in the middle is due to the assault gametype as having the bomb and rockets spawning in the same place would make it difficult to pick up either the bomb or the rockets. The bomb spawns on one side and the rockets spawn on the other. If it turns out that the fixed pillars would be better then I can easily change this. Upadte - Version 5
I've had the honor of testing this map 8v8, and i can only say it is awesome. Groundpounding works well, the BR is a very effective tool here, like in most other maps, and vehicles and power weapons sort of balance each other. Having a warthog up is great fun, though the power weapons can make short process of it if used right. like i said, it is pretty awesome, 6 of 5 from me! If Smashed and Octasomething can make it into matchmaking, there should be no reason this can not. keep it up BK! WH4T NAME
Wow, this map looks great. The bases and middle part looks really original and I can tell a lot of work went into it. I also like the name of the map (you thief! jkjk) Choppers ftw.
Haven 2.0 This is the major update which I have been talking about. It features a complete rebuild of the map which uses alot of the default objects.Some significant changes include that each base is moved one square forward. The reason behind this was due to the bases in the previous versions being too close to the dunes. This meant that it was hard for vehicles to maneuver behind them. The issue with rockets has also been addressed and now spawn in front of each base (150sec respawn) on a small block. Extra pieces of scenery have been added which don't affect gameplay much as they only provide a small amount of extra cover. The spawn system is pretty much the same but all appear as neutral now except for the spawn zones which have are slightly larger. Added more weapons to help in Ar starts gametypes. Battle rifle and plasma grenades added here Link both have a respawn time of 30 seconds. Added two Smg's here Link. I won't be adding or removing anything else from the map unless you guys spot any problems or if testing shows any problems. Before: After: Other changes include: New weapons, spikers and plasma rifles have been added inside the central structure along the top ring. An overshield now appears every 180 seconds above the stone platform inside the central structure but does not spawn at "Start". Shotgun has been moved from the dark pillars to to the double boxes making it easier to spot. Mongoose respawn times have been alternated. The mongoose on top of the base spawns every 45 seconds while the second mongoose (now located in the bottom of the base) spawns every 30 seconds. List of gametypes supported Slayer Multi-Flag Neutral Assault One Bomb KoTH Territories The map preformed well under large team sizes 7 verse 7 so it will be tested for BTB with 16 people. Link to map: Haven 2.0 If you spot any faults let me know. Hopefully this makes it into the Bungie verse the world playlist
this looks really good it is the first good map i have seen in a while maybe put the rockets on a weapon holder in the direct center of the map instead of leaning to that one side. and maybe change the turrents up a little bit. But this is defiantly and downlaod from me, even though i got the RROD. Hey that rymed
Just downloaded the updated version. I am a little skeptical about moving the bases forward a square as I think it might reduce the overall size of the map, but I will see shortly I guess. The other forging updates are cool such as the interlocked scenery and rocket spawn. This is a 4.5/5 for me.
Personally I don't know as I got that made for me by a friend. Anyway with the feedback from thebungie verse the world playlist I have changed some of the weapon respawn times especially the sniper which the spawn time has been increased to 150 seconds. Other than the update I posted a few comments up that is mainly the other alternation. Hopefully this newer version will be seen in the 7 on 7 playlist in August. Something I would like feedback on is the following, I would like to know with the updated version is if I should remove both the rockets and small block on the small corners in front of each base. Then place rockets on the left bunker of each base (the one with the wedge corner pieces) instead of having it placed in front of each base. The intention of the small block was to add move cover in the middle of portion of the map. Haven New (what ever is up with the preview post function it messed up my post)
It seems that bungie have finally used the updated version of this map in the community playlist. I'll love to hear any opinions on this new design and if there is anything further I can improve. I've played around 20-30 games and haven't came across my own map Thanks, Black Knight (I apologize for the bump)