Want to be in Machinima

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by holy liar, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    Have you ever wanted to be in machinima? Well now's your chance, that is, if the Creators of ForgeHub don't mind me advertising Pyro Productions(My Machinima Group).I'm gonna start making short Machinima's With Tips and Tactics on Forgeing Maps. So if your reading this, they either haven't blocked it yet or their allowing it. But anyways if you want to join a Machinima Group then just Reply to this Message. I have a High Quality Capture Card( that cost a freakin lot.$150) that generates the footage, not a Camcorder that I just hold up to my TV. Yes I would be in charge and all, but you would also have a say in any of our video's. If you have any ideas, just let me know and I'll consider it into a bit. Sometimes it might just be news about ForgeHub or just a funny little skit talkin about the maps that have been made in the past. Let me know what you think. Note: If your going to be in the machinima then you need to add me to your friends list on X-Box Live (NSPS Holy Liar). We're going to start filming April 15.
    #1 holy liar, Mar 31, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  2. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Wow, an idea just smacked me in the face, I just thought of a plot for a movie! (Machinima)

    For centuries, the Covenant Elites had fought the 5 Spartans' Army. Many, many battles between the two races. The battles were filled with hate, anger, blood and gore. That era held the War of Two Races. The war was the most violent war in Spartan history, the Covenant we're trying to take over the Earth and the Spartans had to stop them. An attack led by Seargent Jackson 6 years into the war, the Spartans successfully killed the Covenant leader, Hubura. The Spartan to put the dictator to his death was none other than Seargent Jackson.
    Hubura's death led to the end of any Covenant attacks, and that ended the War of Two Races.
    For nearly 25 years, nothing has been heard of from the Covenant. Little did the Spartans know, the Covenant had been planning an attack those silent 25 years to avenge their fallen leader, Hubura, and not leaving without the Spartan who put their leader in his grave.

  3. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    Dude? were, when, and how did you think of this? If you are serious about the movie, then I would love to be the camera man and you can direct it because that was a great idea!
  4. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    I don't know it just kind of, BAM! Was just thinking and it was there.
  5. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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    ill do it!
  6. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I'm in!

    I actually was about to buy a $150 Pinnacle capture card
  7. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    I am NOT directing. I know basically nothing about it. I'll cast I guess.
  8. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    OH god no. Not another spartan vs elites machinima.


    That is all.
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Machinimas turn into crap. Unless it's RvB or HMV Hell. And even then, it's pretty stale humor.

    And the Spartans vs. Elites idea is older than the Internet itself.
  10. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    watch DMV its probly the best non comedy machinama i have ever seen
  11. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    I'm not just gonna make a machinima with spartans vs. elites. READ the top and you would see the first thing I put, "TIPS and TACTICS Videos on Forging". For example, how to get objects perfectly straight without having to strain for like 10 mins on one object. Another would be how to make cool shapes out of objects on foundry, and anythin anyone could come up with. But if you guys would want to we could start a machinima Serious, and, or Comedy. It's mainly up to the people helping me make the vids. One thing I do want to do is make a short vid of a huge spartans elite war. The map would be Valhalla and I've already got everything set up for the future. I would need 16-full party to make it look good though. The weapons Spawn Instantly on each starting base and There are also perfect Vehicle settup consisting of Warthogs, Mongooses, Tanks, and Hornets for the Spartans; Ghosts, Wraiths, and Banshees for the Elites. The way to make it look like a war is to have wave after wave come into battle not everyone at once. So basicly when anyone dies they wait on about 3 others to spawn then they all charge in at once. The Vehicles will not spawn until 180 secs because I want the Vehicles to have their own scene. Also 2 to a mongoose and passengers carry Rocket Launchers. They will also work in waves. Some people will still fight on foot for little bit longer.When they die, spawn and wait for 2 others they can start grabbing Warthogs. Then shortly after the Elites will pull out every thing they've got. That's when the Spartans pull out the Hornets. I'm not sure who's gonna win yet, but right now it sounds like a great idea to me. If you have any ideas to this or any other types of machinima then just let me know. :squirrel_jaffa:
  12. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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  13. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Hmm if you honestly want to do this, I can set you up with something to break off of:

    Okay, first, it will show previous battles, like fight scenes (not long) and then at the end it will show a Spartan killing in Elite. This whole scene is past-tense kind of, like the black and white. (Theses scenes represent the War of Two Races)

    It fades away and shows 5 Spartans having a meeting of some sort in the base under Sandtrap. They're talking about random things or so.

    A random guy (possible a lower-class spartan) runs in and says the lookout man has scene enemy troops and vehicles about 10 miles out.

    The 5 Spartans immediately grab weapons and run out, the lower class Spartans load up Warthogs and such.

    Moment of silence, the Spartans are watching the hills.

    First, 2 Ghosts jump over, sit there, and then 5 seconds later a Wraith and a Banshee comes along with an army of Elites.

    They basically have a battle.

    During the battle, the 5 Spartans notice one of their teammates is missing. Two of the Spartans run off and try to find the missing Spartan, leaving the other two behind to fight. They run out in to the open, look up, and see their brother being taken by 3 Elites up the big hill on Sandtrap.

    The Spartans that saw him quickly grab a Mongoose and rush over, by that time the Spartan and Elites disappeared over the hill. The two Spartans drive the Mongoose over the hill, and see nothing. They look around, and see their brothers gun and some footsteps that fade away after every step.

    The camera zooms out, and then zooms in on a dead Elite's shoulder. There is a symbol, a unique one. Which in Episode 2, the Spartans find out that symbol is the symbol of an Elite base. (Possibly use High Ground, Valhalla, Isolation, or Last Resort as their base)

    ~End of episode 1~
  14. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    Dude your stuff is great! If you will except my offer, you can be our story writer. You make this stuff seem so real from just the text that you put on here. Are you up for the job? I'm not really asking of much at a time, but you pretty much just told an entire Episode in one paragraph so I think you would have no problem doin the job. Don't worry, this dosn't mean your not gonna be in the machinima, you can, that is if you want.
  15. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    Anyone that's gonna join Pyro Productions should add "NSPS Holy Liar" to their friends list on X-Box Live. TY! :squirrel_chatting:
  16. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Umm I don't know...

    For like episodes 2 and 3 we could have the Spartans tracking down their brother some how and coming close to getting him, and then the 4th one, finally getting him, but having one of the Spartans die. (The Spartan that has been captured is Seargent Jackson btw,)

    Edit: I know one thing, I want the song MIA by Avenged Sevenfold in it. Credits, Episode 1,2,... I don't care.
  17. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    No Problem! At first I could'nt find it, but I found it so it's all good. This is my first time hearing this song and it would go great with the basic Soldier thing that we would have going, you know rather than the Traditional comedy Machinima. I'm thinking that we should have an elite main character in the story line somewhere. You know like an Antagonist(Elite Leader). I can do a pretty mean Elite voice over. I know because I got really bored one day, grabbed my mic and started doin the voice. Of course I had to change the pitch and all, but I think it would work out pretty good with any elites because they all sound simalar, wouldn't you agree. I would change the voices pitch for each though to keep some difference. I could pull those voices off. Now we need 4 others that is if your gonna do any one of the character voices. We could do them through the X-Box 360 mics and I could record them to my computer. What do you think we should name this machinima series. I'm not sure what to name it. If you can come up with one then I'll start working out the title Text and Intro to the opening Sequence.
  18. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    I agree with Penguinish in that there are too many many Spartan vs. Elite Machinimas.... But if you do pull it off I'll look forward to the videos.

    Btw... your first episode should explain the plot more than introduce the conflict too soon into the series. Just a thought though.
  19. Revenant

    Revenant Ancient
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    Hells yeah, I'm up for recruit if you need me, message me on XBL or FH sometime.
  20. swooshz56

    swooshz56 Ancient
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    I'd be willing to help out. You can message me here or on xboxlive. Either/or.

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