This is probably one of the more creative maps out there, you have really done a great job on capturing a unique feel for this level. I really overall liked it when I checked it out in forge, and am looking forward to playing actual games on it.
thanks i really would like to see it on bungie favorites thow so if you guys could can you post it on your file shares?
ok u need to lighten up i hate people on this site that are to stict they need to lighten up its just a map calm down u take this forum too seriously thats y i dont ike about people here at bungie no one would really care exept a few but here everyone hates maps that dont have pics or if someone breaks a tiny rule someone has to overreact i bet just cause of wat he did u didnt even try the map out.
Great job All of the buildings were designed really nice and came out good. I am a big fan of the placing of the fusion coils because this is something I believe bungie attempted but it didnt come out as good as this. The street cover and overpass idea are great. The vehical gating is done to perfection of sizing and the fact that you made it work for all gametypes is something not everyone does. Can't wait to play it.
There was really nothing wrong with what he Light said. He was right, and no, these aren't the bungie forums cause those forums suck and everyone double posts, here you are not supposed to. So please don't begin to flame here because no one did anything wrong, next time perhaps keep your opinions about other users better concealed. oh and Blood, I'll add your map to my share tommorrow.
bungie forums dont suck and those people that do double post are usally the ones getting it locked on bungie but thats there fault i was not talking about light directly its just it is true that people take this too seriously calm down its just a map u do not have to explain the rules everytime u see a map that messes up one rule.Those people that do that and say that oh ur thread does not met the requirements for posting a map or something like that have problems because many maps on this site is good so people need to stop that kind of stuff and be more cool about the rules.
I made a V.2 Witch i will be posting. It will be basicly the same post, more pics and all problems fixxed !!
yeah thats cool i didnt see anything wrong with v1 but i guess there are some changes to be made man i kept and trying to get out of the level when we were playing in the custom lol i couldnt find a way though lol well i had to leave cause u booted evil tycoon so yeah hes a cool friend but yeah hope the problems get fixed and u should post a gameplay video up soon.