The Pirate Bay Sold To Software Company, Goes Legal | TorrentFreak "According to gaming company Global Gaming Factory X, it is in the the process of acquiring The Pirate Bay for $7.8m (SEK 60 million). The acquisition is scheduled to be completed by August and will see the site launch new business models to compensate content providers and copyright owners." That's totally contradicting EVERYTHING that TPB stands for, and yet they're hypocrizing and going legal? This is just going to be another Napster. TPB, I can't believe. I understand that they're being sued, but they've always managed to shrug off lawsuits. I guess this is the end of TPB. Incidentally, anyone got a Demonoid invite? Thanks Amoeba.
NOOOOOO. Time to move on to other sites. However I'm not sure you should have posted this here. You gave them a direct URL to an illegal site. How did they manage to fight off lawsuits. Everything they are doing is completely illegal.
Hmm, it is going to be missed. At least you can still use most of its old stuff of, assuming it is just changed and not complely deleted and remade.
I'll send you one a little later tonight. Personally i've never like downloading anything from TPB so this doesn't really affect me. You just missed it, they had an open registration the other day.
I'm pretty againt illegal downloading, so the legalization of TPB is more of a good thing than bad to me. People make things to make money off of, not to have people download them free of charge and use the product they've been developing their whole life. I'd be pissed. Maybe this will encourage people to get a job so they can actually pay for this stuff in line with the law. Economic boom, here we come. /dreams
We live in a society where we can get information and entertainment for free, albeit illegal. When we're older we'll realize how easy we had it. And it will be epic.
And when we're older, we'll think up of something completley ridiculously awesome, release it on the Internet expecting to get rich (which you rightfully should've), only to realize that thousands illegaly downloaded it leaving you bankrupt. Illegal downloaders are digging holes for themselves.
I think I'm going to cry. This can't be happening. Vinny, you want to share the love with me as well?
I thought TBP was strong on their stand! Even after so many trials they were still determined to continue to do what they have always done. Selling the site to another company is just wrong. Now there isn't a trustworthy site I can go to besides Demonoid. I will miss TBP. TPB got ripped off?, or did they just didn't want to anything to do with the trials and troubles anymore?
It's not like TBP and Demonoid were cream of the crop. Any site with a decent and used comment system is just as good as any other site.
I just listened to an interview with Peter Sunde (spokesman/co-founder for TPB). He claimed that TPB would die in "a year or two or three" if they didn't sell it. Hmm, wouldn't you rather have 1-3 more years of TPB (or even further if a different arrangement arises), rather than sell it now? However, in the interview Sunde claimed TPB owners weren't getting any of the $7.8M, but instead it was going to an organization that is supposed to support filesharing. edit: True Vinny, but a lot of them have porn advertisements, which isn't exactly a good thing when I'm DLing a movie for my sister while she watches me DL it.
FbuXjnlh98xgldv6xeu7ow38hrysf96l18peo FbuXnvjvps2uyviudqqxswczezw8q2v6skm4irgaw5 FbuX22zmsm0nm1jmar27e77fqj3q7b3vni9d8j0etgacr FbuXewzg8mtu0e4baqavwq57lww9lnaofe FbuX58ackqmg2m2otoi1id5aomto6k1bzqb All valid demonoid codes, btw I would sell anything for 7mil, gg you can just start a new site. hahahahahaha
Almost all of the torrent sites I go to have no porn ads, and if they do they're very minimal, easy to hide and usually text. Anyway, you usually won't get a real porn ad unless your DL'ing warez/cracks. So the question is: are you really, downloading JUST Movies and Music?
It is a sad day indeed... Even though I bought Bioshock, Half-Life 2, Fable, and Sony Vegas 7. Cough. And I agree with Nemi, this is completely going against what they stand for, and I am almost shocked that they are doing this. They've always stood strong, so why this? I guess only they will truly know, and it's not like knowing will change anything. As for what iRyanne said, meh. Pirating and Illegal downloads actually don't put that much of a dent in these businesses, because look at the price you sell the damn things for. Sony Vegas 9 in all its spectacular glory and beautiful features is a $600 program. And trust me, they haven't been working on that all their lives. Prices are ridiculous for these things for the most part, and in an economy like this people aren't so quick at paying that much cash. Now I am not justifying it... I'm just saying. With my bought copy of Sony Vegas 7, I can legally put my edited work on display and make cash, something you can only do with a bought version, not a student or pirated one. So why would I pirate that? I mean, I can only create and share for free, I can't... I mean couldn't profit. Email love anyone?
I've DL'ed a few keygens in my day, but I suppose the ads are because if I didn't find it on TPB I would just google search it. Thanks again though